Types of substance abuse and what consequences it leads to

Effects obtained from inhaling toxins

What exactly the addict experiences, what feelings he has, depends on what drug he inhales and how many breaths he takes.
After taking 1-3 breaths, a person initially does not experience significant changes in his well-being. He may begin to feel dizzy, and mild nausea may occur. Poisons are just beginning to affect the brain. After 4-6 inhalations, the effects of narcotic substances become more noticeable. The world around him seems brighter and more attractive to the addict, negative thoughts disappear, and euphoria arises. At the same time, consciousness is not yet out of control. A person understands where and why he is, what he is doing.


After 7-8 inhalations, the patient practically loses control over his body and loses touch with reality. If he closes his eyes, he will hallucinate. What is happening around is perceived as if through a prism. A characteristic sign of addiction at this stage of inhaling a toxic substance is inappropriate behavior.


The main risk group is teenagers from 15 to 20 years old. They still have little expression of their own opinion about anything; they want to know as much as possible. The main reasons are bad habits.

The child is interested in trying something new. I want to experience the effects of drugs on myself, to feel the hallucinogenic effects. But there are many other physical and mental factors that cause this type of drug addiction to develop.

Bad Education

Parents are not interested in the child’s life and do not have appropriate conversations with him. They don’t know how the child spends his leisure time.

This lack of affection and care provokes the child to carry out actions that are not always considered. Mental disorders occur. He has no one to take a positive example from, so in all his actions he is guided by his peers. He also lacks self-criticism, which does not allow him to evaluate his own actions.

Because of problems in the family, the child feels the desire to find joy in something else. If he finds himself in bad company, he will want to try drugs.

The child is growing up, but he has no life guidelines, because his parents do not help him find them. A teenager's willpower is still weak. It seems to him that there are many problems and it is almost impossible to solve them. The result is that addiction to various psychotropic or toxic substances actively develops.

No one talks to children about substance abuse and its consequences. They often act unconsciously, without thinking about possible outcomes. They focus only on having fun.

Often these children do not attend school. Another option is that no one carries out health education work with them: neither parents, nor social workers, nor employees of the relevant services. They receive all information from social networks or other information sources on the Internet.

The child does not hope for anything and does not make plans. Lives one day at a time. He thinks this is normal.

If a teenager is not interested in something, he will begin to look for it in forbidden things - drugs. The child lacks ideas, plans, high aspirations, and principles. He is unable to organize his leisure time in a more interesting and fun way, because he does not know how to do it. School and studies have long since lost interest for him.

Often the development of substance abuse is influenced by the presence of certain human qualities. People with the following character traits are often susceptible to addiction to toxic substances:

  • high degree of infantilism;
  • dependence on other people's opinions, actions, decisions;
  • passivity of the individual, due to which a person is more susceptible to outside influence;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • a certain degree of demonstrativeness.

Consciousness disorders often develop due to a high degree of suggestibility. This means that a person quite easily gives in to other people’s demands and requests. He can be easily hypnotized into doing anything. This is what happens with teenagers, who are quite easy to control on a subconscious level, knowing their weak points.

In addiction treatment, mental disorders often have a negative impact on personality development. Instead of a calm life, a person is constantly stressed. Prolonged depression is possible.

Mental and somatic disorders in the form of schizophrenia, manic psychosis, nervousness, phobic disorders, oligophrenia have the worst effect on the human condition. The patient becomes very vulnerable. Every failure causes panic, anxiety and irritation.

He believes that the only correct way out of the situation is drug use, because Moment glue and other similar substances are easily accessible, and trying oneself as an adult drug addict is not difficult.

It is impossible to guarantee that one personality type is not susceptible to toxic addiction, while another will sooner or later get hooked, but certain traits and life circumstances can bring a child or adult closer to using substances. Thus, most children who are drug addicts grow up in dysfunctional/single-parent families or orphanages, are surrounded by conflicts, feel misunderstanding and lack of love and care on the part of their parents (or excessive control and prohibitions), and are outcasts in normal society.

When a teenager has no friends among his classmates, he strives to infiltrate a company where he will find like-minded people with whom he will be connected by common experiences. And a company in which toxic substances are used in order to achieve a “high” will give the teenager the feeling that he is special, that he has comprehended something greater and mysterious and is more mature than his peers.

A big role here is played by the simple curiosity of a teenager who wants to try everything, while due to lack of information the child may not understand what he has gotten himself into. Even when understanding comes in the early stages, after the first attempt to use, the teenager is very afraid of being branded a “weak” and a coward.

Often parents themselves do not understand that they are driving their child into a corner. With the help of substance use, he tries to “forget himself”, to escape into his own world from constant screams or beatings, reproaches and quarrels, to find there that bliss that his too strict and alienated mother could not give with hugs and words, to prove to the tyrant parent that his rules and the constant demands could not “break” him and make him a good boy/girl.

Infantile individuals, with a weak will and life position, who do not know how to organize their leisure time, are more prone to substance abuse. The causes of adult substance abuse are similar: various kinds of problems, be it personal life, relationships with others, lack of acceptance in society. These are also depression, grief, low social status, low education and financial status, lack of interest in real life, craving for easy ways to get pleasure, hedonism as a credo.

People with serious illnesses who experience constant pain also resort to substance abuse, since large doses of toxic substances provide temporary but very effective pain relief. The pain returns again and the person driven into the “system” uses the substance again and again in order to achieve the desired state.

Causes of substance abuse

Like any other type of addiction, substance abuse among children and adolescents occurs for various reasons. The personality of the patient is also of great importance. Thus, passive and dependent children, children with obvious signs of emotional instability, children who do not receive both proper attention and education from their parents are more prone to substance abuse.

Social specifics are no less important. Children and adolescents who come from an environment where lack of spirituality and lack of initiative flourish, where a priori low level of education reigns, are potential substance abusers. The environment is important: if a child has leisure time, if he goes to clubs and sports clubs, if he has a goal in life, if the family has a prosperous environment, then the child most likely will not become a substance abuser. Substance abuse, like any other addiction, is not only a means of self-expression, but also the easiest way to solve life's problems and escape from reality. Children and teenagers, as a rule, rebel against their parents, “hide” from scandals and squabbles of their parents, begin to sniff chemicals as a response to their parents’ divorce, domestic violence, and so on and so forth.

Of course, a child can become a substance abuser under the influence of the street, and only then, having felt all the charm of hallucinations, he will snort various substances even without the encouragement of friends. Hallucinations are pleasant and colorful, and life is complex and ordinary. For this reason, not only children, but also many adults become drug addicts.

Signs and symptoms of substance abuse

The following signs indicate a drug addict who has consumed a toxic substance:

  • profuse salivation,
  • dilated pupils,
  • dry cough,
  • tears from the eyes,
  • weak reaction to the outside world,
  • distracted attention,
  • causeless laughter
  • slurred speech
  • impaired coordination of movements.

Some time after inhaling toxic fumes, a drug addict develops:

  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • Strong headache,
  • thirst,
  • irritability,
  • depression.

A common symptom after the effect of a toxic substance has ended is an echo in the head from all external sounds.

Signs of substance abuse include an irresistible desire for a person to try the drug again, inhale the vapors and experience “happiness,” increasing dosage and withdrawal symptoms.

By these signs you can recognize a substance abuser:

  • dilated pupils,
  • sunken, red eyes,
  • irritability,
  • loss of interest in everything around you,
  • decreased mental activity,
  • hand tremors,
  • trembling of the eyelids and mouth,
  • bronchitis,
  • swelling (mainly eyelids and limbs),
  • chronic runny nose,
  • strong aggression and anger, unwillingness to listen to anyone, self-absorption,
  • muscle twitching,
  • inappropriate behavior
  • smell of acetone or other chemical odor from the mouth,
  • hyperemia of the skin,
  • insomnia,
  • visible weakness
  • pallor or even a greenish tint to the face.

Symptoms of substance abuse depend on the type of substance inhaled, the duration of inhalation, and the timing of the habit. At the initial stage of substance abuse, 3-5 breaths of the toxin lead to a buzzing in the head, tears and drooling, slight dizziness, and a sore throat. There is dilation of the pupils, difficulty concentrating and a decrease in response to any external factors. This state usually lasts 10-15 minutes. Then headaches, nausea and vomiting, severe thirst occur, and a sweetish taste is felt in the mouth.

When substance abuse progresses, the consequences of inhaling toxic substances are expressed by psychomotor agitation and psychosensory disorder. The sounds heard in the head of a drug addict are repeated, turning into an inexhaustible echo.

Experienced substance abusers exhibit such signs as sudden weight loss, brittle hair and nails, puffy face, sallow complexion and dry skin. Teeth are affected by caries, and in places of contact with a toxic substance, scars and suppuration are visible on the skin. The patient's personality changes, and this is immediately noticeable.

The diagnosis of substance abuse is established when the patient has several symptoms at once. This:

  • an irresistible desire to take a drug;
  • the emergence of a goal to increase the dose of a toxic drug;
  • the presence of mental and physical dependence on a drug.

It is not difficult to identify an addict. Symptoms of the disease appear immediately after inhaling the next dose and persist for some time. But even in the intervals between the use of toxic drugs, the patient behaves differently than usual. He becomes more withdrawn and irritable. Can't concentrate on anything.

The following signs indicate drug intoxication:

  • uneven gait;
  • slurred and unclear speech;
  • “empty” red eyes, swollen eyelids;
  • constant desire to drink;
  • pale skin;
  • muscle weakness, high fatigue;
  • slowing down all reactions.

Subjectively, a person feels a sweet taste in the mouth. It seems to him that his body is flexible, light and weightless.

If you do not undergo treatment for substance abuse in a specialized addiction clinic, the situation will only get worse. The more experience a person has with drugs, the less likely it is that he will be able to cope with the disease on his own. Today you can recover from addiction anonymously. Therefore, it is very important not to hush up the problem, but to contact qualified specialists who know how to eliminate the urge to inhale toxic substances.


Substance abuse, depending on the chemical used, is divided into the following types:

  1. Gasoline addiction – substances that lead to euphoria; gasoline contains benzene, toluene and xylene. To get the intoxicating effect, drug addicts soak some material with this drug and inhale these vapors for about 10 minutes. This causes irritation of the respiratory tract and coughing. The face begins to turn pink, the pupils dilate, the pulse accelerates, and difficulties with speech arise. After which a feeling of euphoria appears, and with further inhalation of fuel this brings a mental disorder - delirium, expressed by hallucinations and delirium. When you stop using the chemical, after about half an hour, the narcotic effect recedes and is replaced by headache, loss of strength, irritability, apathy, and nausea. Such symptoms of substance abuse have been troubling for quite a long time.
  2. Acetone toxicomania - this type of toxic intoxication is characterized by hallucinations that appear much earlier than with other types. Almost immediately after using this substance, a feeling of euphoria, hallucinations, and disorientation in time appears. Acetone causes extremely vivid hallucinations, often of a sexual nature. During this, the drug addict sits with his head down and his eyes almost closed, completely unresponsive to his surroundings. When you come out of a stupefying state, apathy, lethargy, vomiting, and irritability occur. An overdose can put the addict into a coma.
  3. Glue addiction - only certain types of glue are used. To get toxic intoxication, glue is poured into a plastic bag and put on the head. This method is extremely dangerous, since the drug addict cannot remove the package in a state of euphoria, and there is a risk of suffocation and death. At the beginning of inhaling chemical vapors, euphoria sets in, followed by hallucinations. When leaving this state, a person feels a loss of strength, headache, and nausea.
  4. Solvent substance abuse – the use of solvents for intoxication leads to impaired consciousness, hyperactivity, and a sharp transition from a state of euphoria to severe anger. With prolonged inhalation of vapors, delirium develops, in which hallucinations occur, the drug addict feels lightness and elation. Coming out of this state is also accompanied by weakness, headache, and vomiting.
  5. Gas addiction – this type is also very common. There have been cases of death. Substance abusers use gas cartridges containing liquefied propane and butane. This type of disease is especially popular among children 8-10 years old. Lighters, gas cans, and air fresheners can pose a great danger to children. Some people not only inhale liquefied butane, but also drink it.
  6. Medicinal substance abuse - in this type, mainly antihistamines, some anesthetics and other over-the-counter drugs are used. Patients have an unhealthy blush and scarlet lips. With prolonged substance abuse, signs of involuntary movements appear, an unusual gait with a too straight back and legs. If the next dose of pills is not taken, sudden mood swings and increased sweating occur.
  7. Caffeine addiction is also a fairly common addiction. It mainly occurs among the adult population. This habit can be easily overcome by gradually reducing the daily dose of coffee. Caffeine addiction occurs when people abuse foods and medications that contain methylxanthines.


According to studies, up to 100 thousand chemical substances are inhaled annually by adolescent substance abusers. Adult patients consume 2–3 times more.

Each person's body has varying degrees of susceptibility, especially to chemicals and toxic substances. But often the main signs of substance abuse appear the same. They have a strong negative effect on the body of a child or adult.

The first manifestation is indifference to everyone. If this is a teenager, then it is difficult to control him: he may not appear at home for a long time.

Strange acquaintances appear in his social circle. They may be twice as old. The child stops spending time with classmates or fellow students.

Other signs include:

  • degradation;
  • a sharp decrease in social activity;
  • slurred speech;
  • inability to make decisions independently (a person acts only on the command of others), etc.

The child does not share information about his place of residence with his parents and becomes withdrawn into himself. As a result, relationships with family deteriorate.

Mental disorders also influence the development of substance abuse. Often, substance abusers develop diseases of the central nervous system. Suicidal tendencies, phobia of death, and psychosensory disorders may appear.

Mental dependence arises. There is only one motive for taking psychotropic substances – to get the next dose and feel euphoria.

You can determine that a child has substance abuse by their appearance. Clothes stink of gas, household chemicals or other chemicals. The eyes are red and constantly watery. School performance deteriorates sharply, as does memory.


A person becomes very violent after consuming a substance. Everything irritates him and causes negative emotions. Psychomotor agitation appears.

Drug poisoning is accompanied by attacks of panic, anxiety and aggression. A person is unable to adequately assess the situation and respond to what is happening. Due to exceeding the dose of toxic compounds, hallucinations appear. This literally drives him crazy and causes prolonged hysterics.


A substance abuser often experiences dizziness. My health is gradually deteriorating. He experiences pleasant sensations only by inhaling glue or other toxic substance.

Other signs include:

  • increased sweating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • sore throat;
  • frequent, intermittent cough;
  • extreme weakness;
  • increased salivation;
  • dilated pupils.

Each intake of the substance is accompanied by slight tremors. Sudden temperature changes occur. Heartbeat quickens. There is an obsessive feeling of thirst.

Over time, external signs appear. Nails become brittle. Girls' hair becomes dry, lifeless, and the ends become split.

Sudden weight loss occurs. After a month of regular use of toxic compounds, a person loses from 10 to 25 kg.

Substance abuse can manifest itself in adolescents, middle-aged people, and even the elderly. If teenagers begin to “sniff glue” due to their ignorance and low level of education, then in adults substance abuse may manifest itself due to work in hazardous industries or due to frequent contact with chemical reagents and substances. Substance abuse can be divided into several groups:

  • acetone dependence;
  • gasoline addiction;
  • solvent dependence;
  • addiction to glue.

You can tell that someone close to you has become a substance abuser by the following symptoms:

  • unhealthy complexion: pale or scarlet;
  • frequent increases in blood pressure;
  • sudden mood swings - from euphoria to aggression;
  • increased sweating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • frequent hallucinations;
  • state resembling intoxication.

Children 10-15 years old often become drug addicts. Parents can tell that their child is developing an addiction if they notice several of the following signs, as well as a constant smell of chemicals, money theft, and aggressiveness.

If you seriously suspect addiction, you should contact a specialist, since the consequences of using chemical substances are extremely destructive - abuse can result in dementia and even death. Therefore, after diagnosing substance abuse, you should immediately contact specialists for treatment.

Consequences of substance abuse

With regular use of inhalants, toxic brain damage develops in a matter of months - encephalopathy . As a result, the teenager’s intelligence and reaction speed deteriorate. New material is difficult to remember, the level of intelligence progressively decreases, which causes problems with learning. Teenagers become passive, inactive, they can lie aimlessly on the bed all day long, distracted only by using inhalants. In other cases, teenagers, on the contrary, become aggressive and pugnacious, which is why conflict situations constantly arise. They usually drop out of school and run away from home.

The addict often experiences headaches, dizziness, and insomnia. The gait becomes unsteady, movements are unclear . Muscle tremors and spontaneous nystagmus are also noted. All these mental and neurological disorders are provoked by the toxic effects of inhalants. But it is worth noting that these disorders are very persistent and no longer disappear completely even after giving up inhalants. But with substance abuse, it is not only the nervous system that suffers. The organs of vision and breathing, kidneys, and liver are inevitably affected.

Treatment of substance abuse in adults and children

gather all your will into a fist and endure a turning point. You can ask a friend to lock the door and under no circumstances open the door for the next week. Drinking a lot of water to cleanse the body of toxins will also help with adsorbents. However, the best option will always be to go to the doctor, since only a doctor knows the antidote for the substance being taken and drugs that can remove the remaining toxins from the body, thereby preventing further destruction of the organs, brain and nervous system.

If a parent suspects that his child is a substance abuser, it is necessary to strengthen control and check for the presence of the above signs. If you have several of them, you need to see a doctor (toxicologist, narcologist), check your heart, take urine and blood tests, and do an ultrasound. You shouldn’t “fall for” the child’s persuasion, words that everything is fine and he feels good, that you don’t trust him, hysterics and resentment.

Naturally, a child addict will deny his addiction in every possible way and be afraid of its discovery. Treatment of childhood substance abuse is best done in a hospital or at home under the strict supervision of a doctor and parents. In the hospital, the child will undergo detoxification and restore body functions as much as possible. Glucose, various groups of vitamins, antipsychotics, tranquilizers or antidepressants are used to normalize the mental state.

You should not expect that after undergoing treatment, a person will not start using substances again. It must be remembered that the roots of substance abuse are almost always problems in life, conflicts with parents or friends, unhappy love and many other factors. Everyone needs to figure this out. It's best to see a psychologist.

For a teenager and for any adult, it is important to feel warmth, that he is needed and loved by someone, that he is loved. Relatives of a substance abuser must try to find out the root cause of his addiction and give him what he was missing. It is love, understanding, and ensuring comprehensive development that will give a person support and incentive to maintain his health and place among people.

Gasoline or any other substance abuse develops quite quickly. There are different stages of development and types of this dependence.

Teenagers become addicted after 2–3 months, adults after 4–6 months. This directly depends on the state of various components of health. Because of this rapid impact, substance abuse is dangerous.

Dependency is formed in several stages:

  1. First appointment. There is no dependence yet, but there is a pleasant feeling. It happens that the first experience ends unsuccessfully and the person does not get any pleasure from taking toxic compounds. The chemical smell can cause headaches and nausea.
  2. Follow-up appointments. Having tried drugs a second or third time, a person experiences pleasant sensations, which gradually causes addiction. After 4-5 breaths of the substance, euphoria or a buzz occurs. There is a noise in the head. Warmth spreads throughout the body. The mood improves dramatically, worries disappear for a while. In the process, the drug addict develops the opinion that toxic intoxication is an easy way to forget about problems.
  3. Psychological dependence. A person gets used to the fact that you can get rid of despondency and sadness by inhaling glue. There is a loss of clarity of thinking. The perception of reality is distorted. The balance is disturbed and the person is unable to move normally. As a result, he may have bumps and bruises. Interest in life is lost. The patient begins to look for different ways to get the next dose: he uses adhesive components, household chemicals, industrial active ingredients that contain toxins.

The last stage of development is physical dependence. The first sign is withdrawal. After six months of snorting chemicals, withdrawal symptoms appear. A state of intoxication appears.

Without regular drug use, sudden changes in blood pressure, mood and temperature begin. At this stage, it is difficult for the patient to restrain or control himself. Wanting to get the next dose, he is capable of taking any step, becoming socially dangerous.

You need to seek help from a narcologist as soon as at least minimal signs of substance abuse have been identified. You can go to a drug treatment center, where the patient will be fully examined.

Addiction treatment usually takes place on an outpatient basis. The patient is being treated for poisoning with chlorine and other toxic substances. They cleanse the heart, mucous membranes and respiratory tract through detoxification.

Medications are often prescribed - antidepressants, antipsychotics. They help get rid of depression and withdrawal symptoms. Sleeping pills are necessary to eliminate sleep disorders. Each patient, regardless of the stage of substance abuse, is prescribed a course of vitamins and anti-poisoning medications. This helps you return to a healthy life.

Working with a psychologist

After minimal recovery of health, work with a psychologist is carried out. This complex usually consists of cognitive behavioral therapy and group classes.

Initially, at least 2 lessons are held individually. They discuss the main motives that provoked the client to try to sniff toxins. He is asked to consider the following:

  • why do I need to smell gas, gasoline or another substance;
  • what would happen if I stopped snorting toxic chemicals;
  • who said that the effect will necessarily be pleasant;
  • why can't I find joy in anything else;
  • what is my relationship with my family, etc.

This allows the patient to analyze his life during the time when he was under the influence of toxic substances and before the onset of addiction. When communicating with a doctor, he finds psychological support, which allows him to more easily endure the stage of imprisonment.

During sessions, the doctor communicates a lot with the patient on various social topics. His task is to create optimal conditions for the patient’s social adaptation.

An important part of treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy is completing homework. These could be cultural trips to the cinema, museums, cafes. The doctor asks you to carefully read various articles on the topic of substance abuse, especially those that indicate the negative consequences of exposure to toxic substances.

The expected result of treatment is a change in the patient’s type of thinking and behavior pattern. It is important to make him remember those moments when he was happy. This will help you understand that you can be joyful and happy without inhaling harmful fumes.

This is followed by group therapy. The maximum number of people in a group is 5. It is formed based on the stage of addiction and rehabilitation, because at different levels a person has different mental disorders.

Various life topics, books, films are discussed in classes. The task is to teach patients to contact people again.

Classes can be conducted in the form of role-playing games. A certain pattern of society or behavior may be reproduced. At such moments, the patient learns to behave in different situations and make decisions.

It is important that in each lesson all participants are as active and involved as possible. Otherwise, there will be no effect from such treatment.

Group therapy lasts on average 6–8 sessions. The lower the degree of addiction, the fewer visits are needed. But after each session the result will be noticeable.

Dependence on chemical substances, in its essence, differs little from other types of addiction - the patient in any case suffers from a destructive desire to receive momentary pleasure. Treatment will begin with a detoxification course - it lasts about a week and helps relieve withdrawal symptoms. During detoxification, the patient receives intravenous saline solutions, vitamin complexes and a number of other drugs that help improve the functioning and functions of the body, relieve tremors, pain, insomnia and hallucinations.

Next, comprehensive rehabilitation is necessary - first of all, treatment should be aimed at curing the psychological addiction itself. Our clinic in Israel uses a modern psychotherapeutic approach - experienced psychologists and therapists work with patients, and the following types of therapy are also used in practice:

  • cognitive behavioral therapy;
  • group and individual lessons;
  • conversations with a social worker;
  • work with a psychiatrist-narcologist;
  • conversations with psychologists.

Also at IsraClinic, the patient can undergo a rehabilitation course according to the 12 Steps program. Our clinic has a closed rehabilitation center where addicts live in comfortable conditions and work with instructors. Doctors and specialists work with psychological cravings for toxic substances; if necessary, highly specialized specialists - neurologists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists - can be involved in treatment, since substance abuse leads to disruption of the functioning of almost all body systems.

Prevention of addiction to toxic substances, first of all, lies in solving the problems that led to addiction, in establishing trusting and friendly relationships with the addict. The patient should not feel abandoned or guilty, or be depressed, as this can lead to a breakdown in the future.

Drug addiction and substance abuse - their consequences are very dangerous for human health and life, so these problems need to be gotten rid of as decisively as possible. One of the ways for people to return to normal life in society is through treatment for drug addiction and substance abuse.

Treatment of substance abuse is carried out either on an outpatient basis or in a hospital – psychiatric or drug treatment, where the patient undergoes several stages of treatment. First of all, the patient is relieved of intoxication of the body, then the withdrawal syndrome is relieved. The next stage is the normalization of the patient’s mental state, suppression of symptoms of mental dependence, and restoration of impaired somatic functions. The final stage of treatment for substance abuse is rehabilitation of the patient, which is carried out through anti-relapse therapy and rehabilitation measures.

Principles of treatment

Substance abuse is rare among adults. Teenagers who use inhalants either eventually stop using them or switch to alcohol and drugs. Substance abuse cannot be ignored, because addiction can cause serious damage to a child’s life.

At the initial stages of substance abuse, individual psychotherapy is carried out on an outpatient basis . If the disease is advanced, the teenager is placed in a drug treatment clinic, where detoxification is carried out, as well as drug treatment aimed at restoring brain function. Psychotherapy remains the basis of treatment, which helps the child to correctly prioritize in life and identify important goals for himself.

Grigorova Valeria, medical observer

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Detox and withdrawal symptoms relief

Detoxification is aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and harmful toxic substances. Allows you to reduce cravings for inhaled poisons. The patient is given droppers with saline solution, glucose, vitamins, and adsorbent compounds. As a result, his health improves significantly.

If a person stops taking narcotic compounds, he begins to experience withdrawal symptoms. This condition is popularly known as “withdrawal”. Then the patient’s whole body aches, muscles ache, and blood pressure rises. He may feel nauseous and vomit. The condition is terrible. To quickly remove the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome, the doctor uses detoxification solutions, as well as painkillers, sedatives, analgesics, and sleeping pills.

Restoration of the psyche and normal functioning of internal organs

Substance abuse causes enormous harm to both the human body and his social status, status, and psychological state. Some substances develop not only psychological, but also physical dependence. A substance abuser experiences:

  • chronic intoxication and, as a consequence, toxic encephalopathy, which manifests itself in the form of mental disorders, impaired muscle tone, hypothalamic syndrome, decreased or disabled reflexes, convulsions, epilepsy, drowsiness,
  • a variety of diseases of the nervous system, neurasthenia, nervous tics, multiple sclerosis, nerve atrophy,
  • severe depression,
  • insomnia,
  • respiratory tract burns,
  • lung cancer, pulmonary hemorrhage, lung abscess, degeneration of lung tissue,
  • cirrhosis of the liver,
  • degeneration of organ structure,
  • kidney tumors, in severe cases – renal failure,
  • heart disease, incl. acquired heart disease, hypertension, heart attacks,
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • delirium is a severe mental disorder that is accompanied by impaired consciousness and hallucinations,
  • organic brain lesions,
  • dementia.

Many of the listed consequences of substance abuse are irreversible.

Addicts develop withdrawal syndrome, as with alcoholism and drug addiction. Muscles begin to twitch, depression, apathy and internal aggression arise, hatred of everything around you and a strong desire to go back into the world of bright colors. Muscles ache, anxiety and suicidal tendencies set in. The mental state is very unstable.

A drug addict's mental activity quickly declines and he completely drops out of the society in which he lives, with the only exception being “high friends.” Ethics and kindness disappear, and one becomes indifferent to one’s position in a particular social structure.

In case of glue addiction, in a state of intoxication and dope, the drug addict cannot always remove the bag, so death from suffocation in this case is not uncommon. Substance abuse often leads to coma and death from overdose.

Due to the inhalation of various harmful substances, the brain is primarily affected. His cells begin to die. For this reason, the patient becomes absent-minded, his intellectual abilities are greatly reduced. There may also be disruptions in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and heart.

The doctor conducts a diagnosis and determines what problems exist. Based on the information received, he draws up a medication treatment regimen and, if necessary, prescribes physical procedures.

Signs of substance abuse

Substance abuse is common mainly among teenagers and especially among children from disadvantaged families. As a rule, young people are driven to use psychoactive substances by curiosity, as well as the desire to imitate authorities. At first, dangerous substances are used in groups, then the patient tends to use the substances alone.

Methods of using prohibited substances for substance abuse are limited. To achieve a narcotic effect, psychoactive drugs are taken orally in large quantities. Volatile substances are inhaled by drug addicts . As a rule, cotton cloth is soaked in the substance, applied to the nose and inhaled. Or they pour the substance into a cellophane bag, apply it to the mouth and nose, inhaling the vapors. The most dangerous way is to put a bag over your head. There are often cases when a person died with a bag on his head, due to the fact that in a state of intoxication he did not have time to remove it from himself.

Drug intoxication occurs within a few seconds after inhaling inhalants. Acute intoxication with various substances has its own clinical characteristics.


To reduce the incidence, special attention should be paid to the prevention of substance abuse. It is about educating the younger generation. Children must understand what addiction is fraught with and what it actually leads to. Literature, educational films, lectures will help here.

Particular attention should be paid to family education. Parents should try to build good relationships with their children, be aware of their interests, and control that they do not fall into bad company. If a teenager has any problems, he should know that his family will support him in any case. Also, psychological help should always be available to him.

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Prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse is an important task of modern society. It should be carried out jointly by state and public organizations, educational institutions and families. The main responsibility for the future of the younger generation falls on the shoulders of parents and teachers, but it is impossible to protect a child from society.

In relation to children, it is important to conduct lectures on the harm of substance abuse. Explain the harm this type of drug addiction causes to health.

WHO has identified the following types of prevention:

  1. Primary. Prevention of the use of toxic substances. Conducted in the form of lectures and seminars in schools. The organizers are employees of special services or drug treatment centers. During the events, they share information about the dangers of toxins and talk about possible consequences.
  2. Secondary. This prevention is aimed at people who have already used toxic substances at least once. Such people are closely monitored. They can be registered with the intelligence services. Secondary prevention is especially relevant if the patient has not undergone a course of rehabilitation.
  3. Tertiary. The goal is medical rehabilitation of drug addicts. At this stage, patients are sent to rehabilitation centers. Social and labor work is being carried out. Every day the patient attends a psychologist or group classes. Another goal of tertiary prevention is to prevent the recurrence of substance abuse.

The main difference between substance abuse and drug addiction is explained to children and adults. It lies in the fact that narcotic substances are often illegal and difficult to obtain. In order to breathe in caustic gases, it is enough to purchase glue, cologne and other chemicals. They can cause strong hallucinations and become addictive very quickly.

Other preventive measures are public control of toxicology. It is often implemented through social advertising. Administrative and legislative measures are also used. Most children and students attend educational events.


In order for a person to learn to live without drugs and toxic substances, he needs to work with a psychotherapist. The doctor will help determine the origins of the problem and tell you how to live further without using drugs to get high. During psychotherapy sessions, the patient is taught self-control techniques, taught to deal with cravings, helped to find new goals in life, and build relationships with family, friends and colleagues.

At this stage, it is possible to treat substance abuse with hypnosis. During it, the patient is instilled with a negative attitude towards toxic solutions that he previously inhaled.


Working with a psychotherapist is usually long-term. It takes a year or even more. All this time, the patient can live in a rehabilitation center for addicts and participate in special rehabilitation programs. Or maybe you can come to sessions and consultations from your home. The first option for consolidating the results of treatment for substance abuse is more preferable, since, being in an isolated environment, the patient communicates only with “comrades in misfortune” and doctors, receives the support he needs, learns to manage his own behavior, and sets new important life goals. The clinic eliminates the negative influence of former drug-addicted friends on him and creates all the conditions for a quick recovery.

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