STRESS AND ITS IMPACT ON HUMAN: methodological development on life safety on the topic

Voice your needs

Working from home has taught me how to communicate my goals to my children. I inform them that they should not disturb me for the next hour or two, and add that after that we will definitely discuss all the accumulated issues.

You may have annoying colleagues at work who specialize in gossip and prevent anyone from working to their full potential. If you are busy with something important, tell them that you can't chat with them right now (or you only have 5 minutes to exchange a few words). This will reduce the likelihood of increasing stress associated with the inability to meet deadlines.

Managing predictable stressors

Stress is an automatic response from your nervous system to various situations. Some of them are completely predictable and you can mentally prepare for them. This could include commuting to work, meetings with bosses, family events, or (as in my case) school-wide and intra-class events.

What should you do to prevent your nerves from getting out of control? There are two options: either you are trying to change the situation, or you are trying to change your attitude towards the situation. For example, when I first started organizing holidays in my children’s classes, I tried to please everyone.

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But very soon I realized that I had picked up a completely utopian idea, and out of the majority of satisfied parents, there will always be someone dissatisfied. This someone will definitely express his contemptuous “fi” (openly or through third parties).

However, it is easy to sit with a sour face and criticize the organizers and much more difficult to do something. Therefore, I decided to change my attitude towards the situation and no longer try to please everyone without exception, since this is impossible.

Avoid "toxic people"

If someone around you constantly dislikes you, limit your communication with this person. Fortunately, friends and buddies can be chosen at your discretion.

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Task one: reducing the stressful situation

In order for the management of stressful situations in an organization to be effective, it is necessary to identify the nature of the occurrence of such situations, their relationship with the work process, learn to assess the intensity of the impact of stress, and study methods for reducing the level or completely eliminating this negative impact. Stress management describes the presence of 5 sources of stress:

  • intensity,
  • novelty,
  • overload,
  • risk,
  • time trouble.

In managing employee conditions, the most important thing is to reduce the intensity. It is recommended to work on personality.

A person should always be faced with the question: “How much and what will I lose if I refuse to complete this task in favor of another, or postpone its completion to another period of time?”

Usually, after such trainings, the level of psychological stress decreases and positive changes in work are observed. Reducing the level of stress is achieved in several stages:

  • assessment of the relationship between stressors and the work process,
  • assessment of the minuses and pluses of the most negative result, a consequence of failure to complete tasks,
  • application of constructive time management,
  • developing a clear goal to reduce stress levels.

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