How to create conditions for the emergence of an erotic trance in a partner?

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How to enter a trance correctly?5.00 out of 51 based on 1 voters.

Many magicians go into a trance before or while working. An altered consciousness helps restore the course of events, see the past, present and future. Few people know, but ordinary people can achieve a similar state. The main thing is to know the rules, methods and techniques and you will learn to enter a trance on your own.

Purpose of trance

Entering a trance will increase the amount of internal energy. In this state, the bioenergy and biofield of a person and his well-being improve. And it also prevents the occurrence of depression, which improves your attitude towards people.

And also improving internal energy has the following effects:

  • improvement of working capacity,
  • cheerfulness,
  • preventing the occurrence of diseases,
  • the ability to independently diagnose diseases,
  • self-medication,
  • self-hypnosis,
  • improvement of appearance and figure,
  • increase in creative potential.


Going into trance requires preparation. For this, the necessary conditions and atmosphere are created. The person had to be relaxed, peaceful and calm, he needed to complete all important matters and turn off communications.

The room where a person will enter a trance should be free of irritating noises, smells and other factors that may interfere with getting to a deeper level of consciousness. An obstacle to entering a meditative state can be excessively bright lighting, too warm or cold air.

The person must be absolutely relaxed both mentally and physically. Entering a trance state is best done after sleep or in the evening. In such conditions, even beginners can quickly achieve their goal.

How not to succumb to covert hypnosis

To understand how to resist covert hypnosis, you need to understand what it is. This type of hypnosis is found everywhere: advertising, watching television, newspapers, communicating with sales consultants in a store. To resist the influence, you need to recognize it. What actions indicate that they are trying to manipulate you:

  • Large flow of information. It has been proven that if you simultaneously influence different feelings of a person, he falls into a stress mode, ceasing to navigate what is happening. There is a milder form of this technique. It is typical for mass events, rallies, and advertising campaigns: you are given a large amount of all kinds of information, and upon completion you realize that you have not received answers to your questions.
  • Violation of personal boundaries. Note that almost anyone trying to convince you of something will get too close, perhaps even touching you.
  • Impact on hearing. Experienced speakers know: if the manner of speaking attracts attention, then people will listen. To do this, they use all the methods from a quiet monotonous muttering, which you need to listen to, to a pleasant voice.
  • Changing the target. A typical situation when you go to the store for an inexpensive shampoo, and leave it with a whole arsenal of premium hair care products? Experienced sellers of goods and services often trade in this way.
  • Creating a stressful, non-standard situation.

Knowing the basic techniques of hidden influence, you can develop your own strategy of confrontation.

  • The simplest and most effective way is to leave.
  • Don't be afraid to say no.
  • Don't let anyone violate your boundaries.
  • Exhibit atypical behavior.
  • Hide your fears and phobias.
  • Ask counter questions, interrupt.
  • Avoid eye contact.
  • Don’t listen to your interlocutor’s speech—read poetry to yourself, sing songs, recite the multiplication table.
  • Move, you can pinch yourself, step on your foot - any method of causing discomfort will do.

Entry techniques

There are different methods of how to enter a trance state. Music, a tambourine and much more will help with this.


Meditative melodies allow you to quickly enter a deep trance yourself. A person must create a suitable atmosphere for listening. The light in the room is dimmed and all extraneous sounds are eliminated.

Special melodies playing at low volume allow you to immerse yourself in a meditative state. The person takes a comfortable position and relaxes the body as much as possible and closes his eyes. We need to concentrate. By concentrating on music and pleasant thoughts, a person can quickly enter a state of trance.

Shaman's drum

This simple device allows you to put yourself into a trance yourself. The technique involves concentrating on the rhythmic sounds produced by the instrument. Both tambourines and tom-toms are used.

How to go into trance

Repetitive movements

This technique stimulates the senses and distracts from negative thoughts. For beginners, it is better to massage one of the body parts with the pads of your fingers. This stimulates muscle tone and allows you to fall into a trance. Experienced people can perform more complex movements.

Concentration on internal energy

You can put yourself in a state of trance if you relax as much as possible, disperse your gaze and concentrate your internal energy at a point on your forehead. It is also important to monitor your breathing, it should be calm and rhythmic.

Techniques for how to go into trance on your own without additional help include using visualization, a ladder, or imagining a safe place.

Safe place

When entering a meditative state, it is necessary to imagine a place that evokes associations with calm and safety. It can be either existing or fictitious. The image of such a place helps you relax and feel comfort and security.

How to go into trance


The method consists of presenting a visible goal towards which you need to move. It can be an object, a person or a place. It is necessary to mentally determine the distance to the target and keep a countdown that symbolizes movement.


The technique is similar to the previous one, but instead of an abstract road to the goal, you need to imagine a ladder and move up it.

Love hypnosis for women

There is no woman in the world who does not dream of being attractive in the eyes of the stronger half of humanity. A beautiful, well-groomed body and graceful facial features can attract a man’s initial attention, but bright appearance and even a sharp mind are not the key to success in love. To really make a man fall in love with you, you need to be able to touch the sensual side of the male soul.

To hypnotize a man, you do not need to study directive hypnosis techniques based on crude authoritarian intervention in a person’s consciousness. Take advantage of the power of soft charm given to you by nature.

Most women are natural manipulators, intuitively understanding how to simulate receptivity and openness, what voice to use, how to look at a man in order to arouse desire in him. A female hypnotist, as if by chance, gently touches her interlocutor, awakening his sensuality. This explains the fact that among the kidnappers of men's hearts there are often those whose appearance is far from the canons of beauty.

Try to really feel the man’s mood and desires. Become an attentive listener. Broadcast soft receptivity with your gaze and your whole appearance. If you really manage to “get into character”, your own intuition will tell you how to behave further. Radiate acceptance and love - every person craves to be in this energy. Having experienced these delightful feelings thanks to you, the man will definitely want to see you again.

Breaking out of trance

To get out of trance, you need to imagine a way out of deep space to the surface. After awakening, it takes some time to realize that you are in reality and adapt your body and mind to it.

To exit a meditative state, a countdown is suitable, during which you need to concentrate on your breathing and heart rhythm. After waking up, do a little exercise to tone the body. If the immersion in a trance state was carried out in the evening, then immediately after the procedure it is better to go to bed. This will solve your sleep problems.

When using the safe place technique, you need to imagine leaving it. If you used the visualization method or stairs, then imagine the way back from the goal. This helps to exit smoothly, without harm to the mental and emotional state, and also improves the speed of subsequent entries.

How to hypnotize a woman

If you want to hypnotize a woman, then first it is useful to know some features of the female psyche.

  1. Girls tend to have a more active right hemisphere. People with a dominant right hemisphere of the brain have more developed imaginative thinking. Such individuals are more emotional, impulsive and easier to hypnotize. If you can hypnotize male friends, then hypnosis will most likely work on a girl too.
  2. Many girls are curious. And you can take advantage of this quality. For example, offer to show the girl you like a magic trick. If everything happens at a party or in another environment familiar to her, then she is unlikely to refuse.

Hypnosis of women is not much different from hypnotic suggestion to men. The same trance and encoding techniques are used as in conventional hypnosis.

Adjustment technique

Used to establish trusting contact. In order for a woman to let you into her personal space, you need to put her subconscious to sleep. To do this, with the help of a building, you need to synchronize your physical state with your interlocutor. Mirror her posture, gestures, adjust to the rhythm of her breathing, the pace of speech. If a girl is in a bad mood, don't make jokes. It's better to fake your emotional state. Talk more quietly, calmly and on more serious topics. Observe those around you: people who have established a connection constantly unconsciously adapt to each other.

Template tearing technique

Follow the social courtship ritual, and then do something unexpected. For example, instead of the expected goodbye kiss, formally shake the girl’s hand with a feigned serious look. At first she will be confused. Make it clear that you were joking and kiss the girl for real. The comedy of the situation will defuse the situation and farewell will take place on a completely different emotional note.

The “near-far” method is also widely used in the pickup truck. First, show increased interest in the girl, demonstrate a desire to get closer. And then sharply reduce interest in the object of courtship. Don't be rude. Just reduce your attention and react to the girl neutrally. Having become accustomed to a certain amount of attention, she will be confused and want to return your affection. The power in the relationship will shift to you.

Anchoring technique

Using anchors will help set a girl in a romantic mood. Having noticed her once in a good mood, perform a certain action: touch her in a special way, hug her, turn on a certain song. Hearing the same music in the future or feeling the same touch again, the girl will automatically plunge into the same state.

Speech hypnotic techniques

There are seduction techniques that use special linguistic structures to hypnotize a woman with words. Use:

  • uncertainty and vagueness of expressions;
  • hidden commands, highlighting them with intonation, pauses and gestures;
  • suggestion of doubt (first express a thought that reflects the girl’s mood, then for a moment express uncertainty in your words, demonstratively driving the doubt away).

What else can you do to hypnotize a girl? You can put a girl into hypnosis with the help of soothing touches, a gaze, and calm monotonous music.

Do you want to learn hypnosis without leaving your home from leading hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin? That way!

Side effects

If you meditate incorrectly, the following negative consequences are possible:

  • Apathy. A person may become too calm, not show any emotions and ignore all problems. There is also the possibility of hiding negative emotions, which will later manifest themselves sharply.
  • Depression. It may be caused by awareness of fears and experiences that manifested themselves during the analysis of emotions. Awareness of complexity leads to a deterioration in mental state.
  • Misunderstanding and intolerance. The new knowledge and capabilities of the brain that are revealed to a person in a state of trance cause his isolation, intolerance and alienation from society.
  • Oxygen starvation. In a meditative state, endorphins are released into the blood. The brain cannot cope with their production, which causes a lack of oxygen.

How to hypnotize a girl to love herself

Remember the state when you are in love with someone. When you see or even think about your girlfriend, emotions arise that you cannot control. And the whole point is that the source of these feelings is the unconscious. This is why sometimes we feel attracted to people who, from the point of view of common sense, are not at all suitable for us. The subconscious thinks differently!

How to hypnotize a girl to seduce her? In the psyche of every woman there is an image of an ideal lover, which she projects from time to time onto real men. A slight similarity with this internal image is enough, and the rest is completed by the imagination, and the woman falls in love. Thus, falling in love is similar to hypnosis - it is also an altered state of consciousness in which thinking works selectively.

Knowing this, it’s not difficult to figure out how to hypnotize a girl into love. While she is in a trance, contact her subconscious with the command to see your best features in you, the embodiment of her ideal, to feel safe next to you. When she wakes up from her trance, her emotional relationship with you will change. She may not fall in love with you immediately, but she will begin to treat you with more respect, sympathy and trust. She will probably have a desire to be in your company more often. And this is a good help for establishing closer relationships.

It is important to consider here that in order to make a woman fall in love with you, a single hypnosis is not enough. The state that can be induced in a woman under hypnosis must be constantly reinforced when she is in a normal state of consciousness. If you categorically do not meet her internal criteria for choosing a man, the spell will quickly dissipate. In addition, as in hypnosis, there are women who are more open to falling in love and relationships, and there are those who are very difficult to shake up. If your girl under hypnosis belongs to the first category and deep down in her soul strives for romance and entertainment, then it is enough to loosen her up a little and push her with the help of suggestion. Otherwise, love hypnosis may simply not work on a girl.

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