Attack of dizziness and nausea, sudden sweating. Sharp (sudden) dizziness: causes and consequences

Chronic disorder

Two symptoms that appear simultaneously - dizziness and sweating - are characteristic of a number of diseases: vascular, hormonal, endocrine, psychological.

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD) – weakened blood vessels. The tendency to this disease is transmitted genetically - from parent to child. With poor nutrition and poor daily routine, it can get worse and worse. Frequent symptoms of manifestation are hyperhidrosis, dizziness, weakness in the body, less often vomiting and nausea.
  2. Vascular diseases - ruptures, injuries with internal hemorrhage. If this phenomenon occurs in the brain, then a stroke is formed, and inside the heart - a heart attack.
  3. Cardiac ischemia and heart attack are always accompanied by cold sweat and dizziness. They can be diagnosed only in clinical conditions and with additional symptoms: difficulty breathing, chest pain, feelings of anxiety and fear, loss of balance. During a stroke, the patient loses consciousness.
  4. Menopause in women is also accompanied by profuse sweating. This is explained by hormonal changes. A woman may feel dizzy at any moment, her oral mucosa may dry out, and her mood may change dramatically. There is also an increase in temperature, a feeling of heat and weakness appears.
  5. Migraines are frequent and prolonged attacks of headaches to the point of nausea. More often inherited. Accompanied by tremor of the hands and sweating.
  6. Cervical osteochondrosis. In the presence of this disease, hyperhidrosis and loss of balance also often appear.

In the presence of chronic diseases, both sweating and dizziness can be stopped and weakened if you develop the right diet, adhere to the right lifestyle and daily routine and do not overload the body with heavy physical activity.{amp}amp;modestbranding=0{amp}amp;controls=1{amp}amp;rel=0{amp}amp;showinfo=1{amp} amp;enablejsapi=1{amp}amp;origin=

A family doctor or local therapist, after conducting medical research and on the basis of the data obtained, will prescribe the correct adequate treatment and, if necessary, regular examination.

If the illness turns out to be really severe and requires constant medical supervision. Self-medication is unacceptable here, judging by the material presented, this is clear to everyone who read it. Any changes in therapy must be agreed with the attending physician.

If your blood pressure fluctuates, there is a bitter taste in the mouth and hyperhidrosis (increased sweating), which is combined with pale skin, this may indicate many pathologies. Among the most common of them are:

  • diabetes;
  • exhaustion;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • infectious processes in the body;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • acute cerebrovascular accidents;
  • hypotension and anemia;
  • intoxication of various etiologies.


Severe weakness may occur with hypoglycemia

The cause of high fatigue and periodic hyperhidrosis is energy deficiency, which develops as a result of poor absorption of glucose. The patient's sensitivity to insulin is variable, and with a sharp increase in its amount or accelerated excretion of this hormone, weakness and sweating often occur, which may be accompanied by nausea.

This is due to disturbances in the functioning of the brain, which does not receive the proper amount of glucose - its main resource. In addition to the general symptoms, this condition is dangerous due to the development of hypoglycemic coma, which will require urgent hospitalization. Such symptoms are also possible with the accidental administration of an excessive dose of this hormone.


Prolonged fasting provokes a sharp drop in glucose levels in the body. To maintain normal levels, glycogen is broken down, which is contained in sufficient quantities in the liver and muscles. If this resource is also depleted, energy synthesis begins with the oxidation of fatty acids.

But at the same time, a large number of ketone bodies are formed - ketoacidosis develops. Ketone bodies are released through the stomach, resulting in nausea and vomiting. The patient is bothered by sticky, cold sweat, dizziness, and weakness. The person begins to smell strongly of acetone, and the lack of medical care is dangerous due to the development of ketoacidotic coma.

Dizziness with VSD is one of the fairly common symptoms

The cause of severe dizziness and nausea, cold sweat is often vegetative-vascular dystonia. Disturbed activity of the autonomic nervous system leads to a disorder of vascular tone and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. The patient may feel cold or feel hot, often feel very tired and have changes in blood pressure. Crises become a serious complication of the disease - attacks of a sharp deterioration in health with a mass of varied symptoms.

Acute infections

Cold sweat, nausea, dizziness are frequent “companions” of various infections in the body. In addition, there is an aversion to food, cough and shortness of breath, and sometimes vomiting occurs. The skin may become noticeably pale due to spasm of blood vessels. Some bacteria strongly stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which leads to increased insulin production and hypoglycemia.


Or hyperfunction of the thyroid gland is a common cause of weakness, sweating, and dizziness. With this pathology, an excessive amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland - triiodothyronine and thyroxine - is released into the blood. This leads to a noticeable acceleration of metabolism, which is manifested by increased sweating, palpitations, and shortness of breath. If left untreated, the cardiovascular system suffers significantly.

Pathologies of the central nervous system of various types are one of the causes of cold sweats and dizziness. Inconsistency of autonomic functions is accompanied by weakness, a feeling of powerlessness, and nausea. Often the patient feels severe cold or heat, which is associated with a violation of thermoregulation; the color of the skin at such moments is pale, and a bluish tint may be observed.


Alcohol, narcotic or medicinal substances, and poisons of various origins can act as a toxin. An excessive amount of toxins leads to the fact that the body tries to cleanse itself of them in all possible ways - through the mucous membranes, skin, and stomach. As a result, profuse sweating, nausea and vomiting, and excessive salivation are observed.

Anemia and hypotension

A decrease in blood pressure and a drop in hemoglobin levels are often diagnosed simultaneously in the same patient. Unpleasant symptoms in this case do not appear constantly, but with mental/physical overstrain, being in a stuffy room or crowded public transport. Good, regular nutrition is also important. Along with dizziness and sweating, darkening of the eyes, tinnitus, nausea, and pale skin and mucous membranes are often observed.

Symptoms of low blood pressure include weakness, fatigue and sweating

Among medications, two groups can be distinguished: those that relieve symptoms and those that affect the cause of symptoms.

Nausea, dizziness, weakness - in this case, doing anything on your own is not recommended. Very often, patients complain about migraines, in which narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain leads to weakness and dizziness. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve symptoms. But it is almost impossible to get rid of migraine, so you can only stop the attack.

For pathologies of the inner ear, an ENT specialist may prescribe steroid medications. With their help, inflammation is localized and eliminated. When blood pressure increases, drugs that dilate blood vessels are prescribed.

A hypertensive crisis requires an immediate response; you can take medications yourself, before the doctor arrives, but only if you are sure that the cause of vertigo is high blood pressure.

With darkening of the eyes and sweat, a person feels general weakness

You may feel dizzy and sweaty even with chronic cerebrovascular accident. Then the patient does not experience a critical attack, but feels symptoms of impaired cerebral blood flow for a long time, and sometimes loss of consciousness occurs.

The vision darkened, the head began to spin, the person began to sweat, the person felt general weakness, fatigue, severe drowsiness, frequent migraines, sometimes dizziness, and nausea. He has a low standard of living (due to lack of strength) and, as a result, low self-esteem. A chronic course can develop into a sudden acute condition, so it is important to diagnose the deviation in a timely manner.

What are the causes of severe dizziness?

When a person experiences severe dizziness, the reasons may be different. When your head suddenly starts to feel dizzy, this is the first sign to go to a specialist, as this may be a symptom of a serious illness.

The following systems are responsible for the state of balance in the body:

  1. The vestibular apparatus is a separate organ located inside the human brain, which has receptors with increased sensitivity.
  2. Eyes. A complex system that, using receptors, sends what it sees to the part of the brain responsible for vision, and presents a picture visible to a person.
  3. Proprioceptors or sensory receptors responsible for physical sensations. Found in muscle tissue, skin and joints.

All components are interconnected and form an integral system. If one of them is damaged, serious health problems can occur.

The inflamed receptor sends a distorted signal to the brain, which can cause a person to feel dizzy.

The causes of sudden dizziness can be of a different nature and signal disorders in the body (there are more than 80 of them).

Severe dizziness in medicine is called vertigo, which is divided into the following types:

  1. Peripheral - caused by a disorder of the vestibular apparatus.
  2. Central - signals disruptions in brain function that are caused by chronic disease.

Also, the causes of sudden dizziness can arise from external factors affecting the body. This:

  • lack of sleep;
  • strict diet;
  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • long work at the computer, etc.

But such symptoms are not considered pathological, and they pass quickly.

Each person is individual: some begin to look for reasons, consulting with specialists, while others do not pay attention to this. Therefore, doctors cannot always identify diseases at an early stage; it happens that a person seeks help already too late.

"False" loss of balance

There are many symptoms that should be attributed to vertigo, but they actually have nothing to do with it:

  • veil in front of the eye area;
  • weakening of muscles and limbs;
  • general deterioration of health;
  • destabilization of balance;
  • memory lapses, confused thought processes.

A “false” feeling of dizziness is usually called benign due to the fact that it does not pose a threat to health and goes away immediately. This type of discomfort accounts for at least 70% of all dizziness episodes.

Combating this phenomenon is quite simple - there is a special set of exercises that helps train the vestibular apparatus. In order to prevent unpleasant sensations, it is necessary not to fight the symptoms.

You should reconsider your own lifestyle: in conditions of sedentary work - add physical activity, walk as often as possible, eat healthy food, sleep as much as necessary.

Proper nutrition is extremely important, so in order to improve the condition of the vestibular apparatus, you should add seafood and kelp to the menu. They are rich in iodine and saturated with microelements. We should not forget about the vitamins contained in fresh fruits, vegetables and vitamin complexes, which are sold in any pharmacy.

It is recommended to pay special attention to vertigo in children. This is explained by the fact that until a certain age they do not know how to distinguish between headaches and discomfort in the abdominal area.

Vertigo that appears in a child may be a manifestation not only of overwork, but also of migraine or food poisoning. Therefore, after the first complaints in children, it is necessary to consult a specialist to find out the causes of severe dizziness.

Eliminating symptoms

Knowing the reasons that caused them will help you get rid of symptoms such as dizziness and increased sweating:

  • if the matter is poisoning, first of all, you need to remove the substances that caused the intoxication from the body. In this case, absorbents and a large amount of clean water are used. Activated charcoal helps cope with this disorder perfectly. Modern drugs have also appeared: Enterosgel, Eubicor. Taken strictly according to instructions. The medications are absolutely safe and are indicated even for children;
  • if the unpleasant condition is caused by an allergic reaction, then antihistamines are added to the absorbents. The newest antiallergic drugs instantly relieve an attack and do not cause drowsiness;
  • infections and viruses that cause such symptoms are treated as prescribed by the doctor. Dizziness and sweating require longer treatment, and this can only be determined by a doctor;
  • if you feel dizzy and sweaty due to problems with blood pressure, then such phenomena should not be ignored. You should take appropriate medications, drink water with lemon, and rest well.

Causes of unexpected dizziness

The noticeable appearance of sweat is not a specific pathology, the sign indicates an ongoing process, and vascular pathologies in this case are no exception. The appearance of symptoms with a feeling of sudden sweating is observed in the following diseases:

  • infarction of the muscular tissue of the heart;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemic damage;
  • rheumatism;
  • thrombophlebitis.

You can eliminate symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, sweating and general weakness by knowing their causes.

If we are talking about poisoning, then it is necessary to remove the products that caused intoxication from the body. To do this, you need to drink a large amount of clean, non-carbonated water, as well as absorbents.

Activated carbon, which is probably in every home medicine cabinet, helps to cope with such conditions. In addition, more modern drugs will come to the rescue: Eubicor, Rekitsen-RD, Enterosgel and others.

They must be taken according to the instructions. For the most part, these medications are safe and approved for both children and adults.

If you come to the conclusion that these unpleasant sensations are caused by allergies, then you need to add antihistamines to the absorbents. Modern anti-allergy medications will quickly relieve an attack without causing drowsiness.

Viral and infectious diseases that cause such symptoms are best treated according to the doctor’s recommendations. The fact is that dizziness, nausea and weakness may require long-term treatment, and the treating doctor will help alleviate the condition more quickly.


In women, such symptoms are observed during pregnancy. Nausea, dizziness, weakness indicate that conception has occurred and become the first symptoms by which a woman learns that a new life is developing inside her.

These signs can develop during general intoxication of the body, when some substance that affects the body has entered the gastrointestinal tract.

Viral infections often have such symptoms in the first 3 days of illness. High temperature, nausea, weakness, dizziness indicate that the body is having difficulty coping with the virus that has entered inside, and intoxication with waste products of the aggressive virus begins.

This happens with rhinovirus and intestinal flu, meningococcal infection and cerebral encephalopathy. This condition cannot be treated at home.

Nausea, dizziness, weakness indicate conception has occurred.

Nausea, chills, weakness, dizziness can be a symptom of the onset of an acute inflammatory process in the middle ear. Damage to the vestibular apparatus creates the illusion of objects moving around and the body rotating in space. Cold sweat and vomiting are added to this unpleasant sensation.

Chronic dizziness, accompanied by ringing in the ears, in which the audibility of sounds on one side disappears, may be a sign of a developing brain tumor. If nausea and weakness are added to these symptoms, this may mean that the tumor is large enough that it is compressing the center responsible for the gag reflex.

People with a weak vestibular system may experience a sudden attack of seasickness in transport. It is always accompanied by weakness in the body, dizziness and nausea. Temporary relief occurs only after vomiting.

Rotation of objects around the eyes and the illusion of moving the body in space are sometimes observed after alcohol abuse. Alcohol poisoning is always accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, and weakness. Symptoms disappear after the body is completely cleansed of intoxication.

If a person experiences these unpleasant signs without obvious reasons, they should be examined by contacting an endocrinologist, neurologist or oncologist. These symptoms are often present in the conditions these doctors treat.


In order not to suffer in search of suitable treatment, painful conditions can be prevented by observing the following rules:

  • Switch to proper nutrition.
  • Refusal of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks.
  • Moderate physical activity.
  • Get adequate sleep, lasting at least eight hours.
  • Elimination of tense and stressful situations.

To avoid a repeat of this condition, when you feel dizzy and break out in a sweat, you need to strictly follow the most important rule - take care of your health.

Causes of functional dizziness

This is sudden dizziness that does not cause any harm. As a rule, this type of attack of lightheadedness manifests itself in the form of noise in the ears and darkening of the eyes.

May occur in the following situations:

  1. Sudden rise from bed. The body, or rather its blood vessels, do not have time to adjust to the new position of the body and an unexpected outflow of blood from the head is observed. To avoid this, you just need to avoid making sudden movements.
  2. In women, sudden dizziness occurs due to hormonal changes in the body. For example, during menstruation, pregnancy, or these are harbingers of menopause.
  3. Strict diets, especially mono-diets, fasting and malnutrition, may well cause sudden dizziness. To eliminate symptoms, the body needs glucose and oxygen.

Mental disorders and stress also cause a feeling of the earth rotating around the body. The person may then experience apathy and confusion.

Among women

Vertigo affects females in 70% of cases and there are many reasons for this:

  1. Let us assume that women lose hemoglobin much faster and the resulting anemia is almost always associated with a lack of comfort and lightheadedness.
  2. The next factor is the restructuring of the body in hormonal terms. Puberty, menstrual cycles, pregnancy or menopause - all this provokes specific processes, changing the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. It is because of this that loss of balance, darkening and veils in the eye area, fainting and other not the most pleasant sensations occur.
  3. The third exclusively female cause of sudden dizziness should be considered hunger, insufficient nutrition due to an ill-chosen diet or due to non-compliance with basic rules.

Optimal nutrition with a sharp switch to the most severe diet, as well as fasting in almost 100% of cases become a guarantee of vertigo. Because in this case there is an acute lack of nutritional components in the body.

What should the patient do and which doctor should he contact?

To establish the causes of pathology, a study of the central nervous system is used:

  1. Brain ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging.
  2. Rheoencephalography.
  3. Electroencephalography.

General blood and urine tests are also required.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia requires symptomatic treatment and optimization of the patient’s lifestyle. Cold sweat and dizziness, weakness are serious symptoms that require attention, diagnosis and treatment when identifying the primary pathology.

Phrases from patients that they suddenly felt dizzy and started to sweat are too general for an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, in addition to a description of the symptoms, the results of almost all available laboratory and instrumental research options will be required:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography;
  • ECG;
  • neurological tests;
  • urine analysis.

In parallel with these studies, blood pressure monitoring is carried out. Based on the data obtained, a course of treatment is determined, the main goal of which is to eliminate the causes of the pathological condition.

In addition to the general therapeutic program, the specialist prescribes general strengthening physiotherapeutic procedures to the patient: • treatment with healing waters; • massage and self-massage; • electro- and reflexology.

In some cases, in order to achieve recovery, the patient has to make significant changes in his lifestyle, adjust his diet and diet, since the problem is often associated with inattention to the needs of his body.

  • Brain ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Rheoencephalography.
  • Electroencephalography.
  • If you are concerned about frequent attacks of nausea, weakness and dizziness, you should consult a doctor. In particular, it is necessary to obtain advice from an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist and endocrinologist. During the initial examination, doctors will refer you for further diagnostic procedures.

    Among the laboratory and instrumental diagnostic measures for nausea, dizziness and weakness, the following are most often carried out:

  • Blood tests (general and biochemical blood tests).
  • Determination of blood glucose levels (including determination of the dynamics of glucose utilization in the blood).
  • Electrocardiographic examination of the heart.
  • Audiography.
  • Tomographic studies (CT, MRI).
  • X-ray examination of the skull.
  • Ultrasound Dopplerography – to study the condition of cerebral vessels.

After the initial examination, the therapist will either redirect the patient to a specialist or recommend that he undergo a number of instrumental and laboratory procedures, including:

  • Donating blood for general and biochemical analysis.
  • Donating blood to determine its glucose level.
  • Performing an ECG to evaluate the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Passing audiography.
  • Performing a CT or MRI.
  • X-ray of the skull.
  • Ultrasound Doppler. This study allows you to assess the condition of the vessels supplying the brain.

This examination scheme is standard for patients with complaints of dizziness, headaches and nausea. If using the above methods it is not possible to make a correct diagnosis, then additional examinations are required to clarify the diagnosis.

If you suffer from some kind of chronic disease that leads to dizziness, nausea and weakness, then most likely with these symptoms an exacerbation or attack of the disease occurs. For example, people with diabetes may feel nauseous and dizzy when their sugar drops sharply (especially if they take too much insulin). In such cases, the person knows how to act, since he should have received appropriate instructions from his attending physician.

If you have worked a lot (physically or mentally), then your symptoms are most likely caused by your activity. You should rest, and in the future, plan your work and rest schedule wisely.

Call an ambulance immediately if you experience the following symptoms with dizziness:

  • loses consciousness;
  • severe dizziness that lasts more than one hour;
  • feeling of weakness in the limbs and headache;
  • if you have diabetes or hypertension;
  • if dizziness is accompanied by fever and vomiting.

If you notice frequent attacks of dizziness, weakness and nausea, then first of all you need to consult a general practitioner. The doctor will conduct a survey, study your medical history and, if necessary, refer you to other specialists for consultation. Perhaps a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist and others. The main thing is not to delay visiting a doctor, but to seek medical help at the first symptoms of illness.

You should contact a specialist if:

  • The patient is less than three years old;
  • The patient's age is over 60 years;
  • If manifestations bother a person for periods over a long period of time - more than one week;
  • If dizziness and nausea do not go away within one hour;
  • If there is bile or blood clots in the vomit;
  • If an attack of nausea and poor health of a person is accompanied by high blood pressure;
  • If the patient has diabetes;
  • If the person has recently undergone surgery;

During diagnosis, the specialist should pay special attention to collecting anamnesis. The doctor specifies the specific time of onset of symptoms. It is necessary to determine the nature of dizziness, the presence of injuries, possible loss of vision or hearing. If the patient has nausea, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, the causes may lie in the consumption of medications.

After a specialist has identified the cause of symptoms, diagnostic procedures may be prescribed. The combination of studies depends on the results of the anamnesis.

Comprehensive diagnostics may include:

  • Clinical blood tests;
  • Pure-tone audiometry;
  • Electrocardiography;
  • Ultrasound examination of organs or blood vessels of the brain;
  • Electroencephalography;
  • X-ray of the spine or cervical region;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
  • Otoneurological and neurological examination;

After diagnosis, the specialist must prescribe appropriate treatment.

Dizziness and nausea are not a separate disease. This manifestation conceals dangerous causes for the formation of diseases or pathological changes. Therefore, if such frequent symptoms appear, as well as if they intensify, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist. You should undergo a complete diagnosis of the body and a course of treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Peripheral dizziness

Peripheral dizziness includes:

  1. Dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. The diagnosis itself is not a pleasant one, but if you feel dizzy, this is not considered a dangerous symptom. Therapy as such is not required here, but you will have to take care of your diet and intake of necessary minerals and vitamins. For women in such cases, the doctor prescribes hormonal medications, which, when taken, stop sudden dizziness.
  2. Vestibular neuritis. If the facial nerve, which is responsible for sending impulses to the brain, becomes inflamed, the consequences can be unpleasant. Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, unstable gait and falls due to loss of balance. It is believed that the causative agent of the disease is a virus, which is why fever and cold symptoms are sometimes observed.
  3. Meniere's disease. Inflammation in the inner ear, which is caused by the accumulation of large amounts of endolymph. There may be a feeling of ringing in the ears and partial hearing loss.
  4. Otitis. Serious inner ear disease. It is not difficult to recognize: severe pain, discharge of pus, swelling and the onset of deafness. The person often feels dizzy.

Drug treatment of diseases

If a person suddenly feels dizzy, and especially accompanied by nausea, then he needs to lie down or sit down to avoid falling.

It’s good if you can make a cool compress on your forehead and drink water. People around the victim should ensure a flow of fresh air.

Usually, false dizziness goes away literally within a few minutes, and the person can return to further activities.

As a rule, if nausea and dizziness recur constantly or with a certain frequency, then it makes sense to say that this is not a “false” loss of balance, but something more serious, and a trip to the doctor is inevitable.

The specialist will definitely interview the patient to find out the frequency of attacks, their nature, find out whether any injuries were received or whether any medications were taken. The patient’s bad habits will not go unnoticed.

In the future, he will be directed to passing basic tests and undergoing additional examinations, such as:

  • blood analysis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • electroencephalography;
  • Brain MRI.

In some cases, an x-ray examination may be required. Treatment is prescribed only after a diagnosis has been made.

To summarize, it can be noted that sudden attacks of dizziness, loss of balance and nausea are not always signs of something terrible.

  • Rheoencephalography.
  • After a thorough examination, the doctor receives complete information about the patient’s condition and prescribes the necessary treatment. To recover, you need to follow all the recommendations of your doctor. Of course, you will need to follow some rules.

    Try not to get stressed, play sports, go for a walk. Sleep should be at least 8 hours, you need to quit smoking, stop drinking alcoholic beverages, and also drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Review your diet, enrich it with vegetables and fruits, dairy products and meat.

    Dizziness, nausea, cold sweat, palpitations - these are the first signs signaling an impending illness. A patient who comes in on time and an accurate diagnosis is the key to a quick recovery.

    If you are overweight

    Problems with excess weight and gastrointestinal diseases are similar, so the treatment methods will be similar. First of all, this visit:

    1. Nutritionist.
    2. Gastroenterologist.
    3. Therapist.

    Once an effective fight against the diagnosis begins, the problems will begin to recede. Successful treatment depends on the individual, so you need to exclude:

    • bad habits;
    • junk food;
    • passive lifestyle.

    Complexes regarding excess fluid evaporation will be able to overcome:

    1. Hygiene.
    2. Antiperspirants.
    3. Cold shower.

    If you have hormonal imbalances and changes in your body due to age, do not delay treatment and seek a diagnosis from a specialist. After a thorough examination, a gynecologist will be able to help much more than self-medication. The success of therapy lies in not worsening this temporary, painful state with empty experiences, but in completely curing yourself.

    Depression and stress

    When you are faced with a condition such as depression, do not try to fix the problem yourself. First, consult a psychotherapist. Take care of yourself. If you expose the body to moral stress less often, the condition will normalize.

    If you experience symptoms such as:

    • cold sweat;
    • weakness;
    • dizziness.

    Signs of nausea and cold sweat, which constantly bother you, are a manifestation of a certain pathological process that occurs in the body. Conducting self-medication in such conditions will not only be pointless, but also dangerous for human life.

    The primary task is to conduct diagnostics to determine what pathogenic process causes these manifestations. Consequently, the treatment method for each case will be selected individually by the attending physician.

    First aid is carried out by the following actions:

    • if dizziness and sweating occur, the person should be laid horizontally;
    • give up to 10 drops of a 0.1% Atropine solution to drink;
    • relieve tension with tranquilizers such as Andaksin, Seduxen.

    The classic method of drug treatment involves an integrated approach. Most often prescribed:

    • sedatives;
    • antihistamines;
    • anti-nausea remedies.

    How a person should behave

    When attacks of dizziness appear suddenly and your vision even begins to darken, you should not panic, take a deep breath and be sure to sit down, or better yet, lie down.

    • maintain a state of balance;
    • in a horizontal position, mark your head straight (if a person is not alone in the room, outside help is required). This will guarantee blood flow to the brain area;
    • close your eyes and breathe deeply if the second point is successfully implemented;
    • after the end of the attack (if we are talking about relapses), consult a specialist.

    At his appointment, it is necessary to tell in detail not only about the symptoms, but also about the situation, the sensations after dizziness. This will make it possible to make a correct diagnosis and begin the recovery process.

    Severe dizziness is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, the causes of which can be very many.

    In order to find out about them, as well as to receive adequate treatment, you should consult a specialist without self-medicating. This will help improve your health and avoid serious consequences, such as stroke.

    Sometimes, while working or resting, a person, having suddenly risen from his seat, may feel as if he is starting to stagger, he is losing his balance, and objects around him are starting to rotate slowly or quickly.

    This is how severe dizziness feels. Usually it comes suddenly and does not last long, so many do not pay attention to it and, as soon as it gets better, they go on about their business.

    However, many believe that this symptom may be a sign of the development of a disease. What are the causes of severe dizziness and what is the treatment?

    From the medical point of view, loss of balance and dizziness are divided into false and true. True ones are vertigo, which a person feels as a movement of his body relative to some objects, but at the same time he himself does not move. But false dizziness, as a rule, occurs at the moment when he suddenly stands up, bends over, sneezes, etc.

    How does false loss of balance and dizziness of this type manifest?

    There are several main features:

    • sudden darkening of the eyes;
    • tinnitus;
    • nausea;
    • feeling of coldness in the extremities;
    • “failure” effect;
    • weakness in the legs or arms;
    • loss of balance;
    • disruption of thinking processes.

    Doctors call false loss of balance orthostatic collapse. This syndrome manifests itself in a person at the moment when there is a sharp outflow of blood from the brain, which causes a decrease in pressure.

    False vertigo is absolutely not dangerous, so it has another name - benign vertigo. It passes very quickly, you just have to sit down or lie down for a while. Doctors note that among all complaints of dizziness, about 70% are false.

    Sometimes signs of other diseases are confused with this syndrome. For example, a complex combination of nausea, weakness, darkening of the eyes, cold sweat, and fear can inform the patient that he is developing hypoglycemia, that is, the concentration of glucose in the blood is decreasing.

    A person may also lose balance if they begin to have problems with the cerebellum or nervous system. Sometimes in these cases there is a feeling of falling, fainting, intoxication, blurred vision - this is most often associated with emotional disturbances.

    If a person suddenly feels dizzy, he needs to be provided with peace and access to fresh air for at least a few minutes.

    Central vertigo

    Brain dysfunction is the main cause of severe dizziness. What causes this unstable condition?

    Tumor. Benign or malignant, in any case will entail a number of characteristic symptoms. If the patient feels dizzy, this is the most harmless sign of this illness. Due to the growth of the tumor and its development, the brain tissue is compressed, and headache, nausea, and vomiting are added to the symptom.

    Migraine. The disease is characterized by excruciating headaches, partial loss of hearing, vision and smell, and sometimes the person begins to become delirious. And dizziness is a harbinger of an attack.

    Sclerosis. Damage to the nerves of the brain. Possible double vision, unsteady gait, numbness of the limbs.

    Osteochondrosis. Overgrowth of cervical joints with osteocytes. When moving, especially sharply, the nerves in the vertebrae are compressed, and dizziness occurs.

    Traumatic brain injuries. Consequences of bruises. If the blow was not strong, then the corresponding symptoms soon disappear. If a person often feels dizzy for a long time, then he should immediately consult a doctor.

    Epilepsy. Seizure attacks begin with sudden dizziness. Then the person becomes lost in space and falls into convulsions.

    With cardiovascular diseases, dizziness occurs, which can signal the following:

    1. Atherosclerosis. Due to the congestion of blood vessels with bad cholesterol, the brain does not receive enough blood and oxygen, resulting in dizziness.
    2. Change in pressure. Both low and high blood pressure can cause severe dizziness.
    3. Arrhythmia. Due to the uneven beating of the heart, the functioning of its parts is disrupted. As a result of undistributed hemoglobin throughout the body, an unpleasant symptom occurs.
    4. Stroke. Brain hemorrhage. The warning sign is dizziness.

    The above are just some of the reasons why you may feel dizzy when it happens suddenly. No matter how strong or weak the symptoms manifest themselves, this is a good reason to consult a doctor.

    Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

    Changes in the functioning of the heart rhythm and vascular system are manifested by dizziness, these include:

    • Atherosclerosis.
      The deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels impairs blood circulation, which affects a person’s well-being. The brain tissue does not receive enough blood and nutrition, which is additionally accompanied by memory deterioration, decreased intellectual abilities, headaches, and increased fatigue.
    • Change in blood pressure.
      An increase and decrease in pressure causes loss of orientation in space. In either case, normal blood flow is altered, causing symptoms.
    • When the heart rhythm changes, regardless of the type and manifestations, the functioning of the ventricles and atria is disrupted, this affects hemodynamics, and this affects the state of the brain.
    • Stroke.
      The development of pathology is always accompanied by sudden dizziness due to acute circulatory disorders. There is also a headache, sometimes nausea and vomiting, numbness of the limbs, difficulty speaking, loss of consciousness, and paresis.
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