Cure for fatigueVladimir Salamatov, 2014

Why are antidepressants needed?

There is increasingly strong evidence that depression can be treated without antidepressants. Danish scientist Peter Goetzsche believes that 98% of all patients could stop using the drugs without harming themselves. The scientist also provided evidence that all drugs with similar effects are not seriously tested, which means there is a risk of death in patients. Since the drugs are tested on volunteers, we can safely say that they used other drugs before the experiment. Therefore, one can always attribute properties to a medicine that it does not possess. On the other hand, any pharmacist knows that one medicine can have an effect on another. The scientist also proved that there is a high possibility of death after taking the drug.

Every year, 500 thousand patients over 65 years of age die from overdose or incorrectly prescribed medications.

For example, when research is carried out, side effects that appeared during the experiment itself, as well as the day after its completion, are taken into account.

Features of prescribing drugs

But many patients committed suicide a few days or weeks after finishing taking the medicine. Statistics no longer take this into account. Goetzsche argues that it is better not to use antidepressants. Two groups of patients who are diagnosed with disorder or depression. Those who take medications are 3 times more likely to commit suicide. And it is very difficult to conduct clinical studies, since the effect of these drugs is very slow.

Potent antidepressants without prescriptions

Please note that you can buy and select an antidepressant without a prescription only in the form of light tablets. Such drugs have a mild sedative effect, are not addictive, and are low toxic to the body. Improves overall emotional mood and mood. As a rule, such antidepressants include herbal medicines. Tablets for depression and other drugs with a tranquilizing effect, which are available without a prescription, are prescribed to correct mild forms of neuro-emotional conditions. Pharmacological drugs of the new generation do not harm the human body, and compared to heavy nootropics they have a different composition.

Note that for patients diagnosed with severe chronic nervous disorders and pathologies, mild antidepressants without prescriptions are not suitable. In such cases, treatment therapy, course, and frequency of doses are prescribed by the attending physician. Pros of mild over-the-counter antidepressants:

  • mild effect on the body, central nervous system, mild therapeutic effect;
  • do not cause addiction, physical or emotional dependence;
  • combines well with other medications; practically do not provoke side effects if the recommended dosage is observed.

Depending on the principle and intensity of action, antidepressants that affect the mental state of the body are classified into drugs with stimulating and sedative effects, drugs with selective and non-selective action.

Treatment with nootropics

Many patients are shown the so-called. nootropics are drugs that improve microcirculation in the “brain pool” and improve the nutrition of cells of the central nervous system. Some of the most common nootropics are Piracetam and Phenibut. Most nootropics used improve mood and increase vitality. Side effects of these medications may include increased irritability and sleep disturbances. In some cases, these psychogenic disorders are an indication for starting to take weak antipsychotics, which include Eglonil and Sonapax.

Names of antidepressants without prescriptions

Over-the-counter antidepressants vary in the degree and type of effect they have. We offer you the TOP 5 names of drugs that can be bought in pharmacies or online, and how much over-the-counter drugs cost.

  • Phenibut.
    The antidepressant Phenibut is an anti-anxiety nootropic that is often used in the treatment of neurological disorders. Despite the fact that the remedy eliminates anxiety, the ability for both mental and physical work is preserved. The price is around 100-500 rubles for 20 tablets.
  • Phenotropil.
    Phenotropil is not only a nootropic that has a calming effect. This drug has a positive effect on the learning process, improves memory and mental activity. The cost of the drug is 2000-3000 rubles, and a prescription is not needed.
  • Maprotiline.
    The antidepressant Maprotiline helps reduce apathy and improve mood. By taking the drug, psychomotor retardation is relieved. The cost is about 20-100 rubles.
  • Prozac.
    Prozac is a drug that effectively relieves emotional overload and mitigates anorexia nervosa, and helps reduce anxiety. The price is 500-100 rubles.
  • Paxil.
    The antidepressant Paxil is prescribed for depression. The drug helps reduce symptoms of depression and eliminate suicidal thoughts. Suitable not only for adults, but also for children from seven years old. The price is 500-1000 rubles.

The above list contains the best drugs that are the most effective for relieving stress and depression. Moreover, most of the above antidepressants can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy.

Modern new generation antidepressants

There is a group of drugs that are selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) - drugs that correct the level of serotonin in the brain. These are third generation antidepressants. SSRIs - medications of the fourth (newest) level normalize the bioamines serotonin and norepinephrine. Mild antidepressants of the new generation, for example, Doxepin, Mianserin, are prescribed to relieve anxiety, fear, improve mood and sleep.


The new generation SSRI antidepressant Paxil is used to treat various types of anxiety and depressive disorders. Improvement in the patient's condition occurs within 10-14 days of taking the medicine. Treatment begins with the use of 1 tablet per day, gradually increasing to the maximum daily dose (for panic disorder, phobias) - 3 pieces.

It is impossible to abruptly stop taking Paxil due to the possibility of withdrawal syndrome (sharp deterioration in condition). Advantages of an antidepressant:

  • improves sleep;
  • does not affect blood pressure;
  • Taking the medicine, you can drive a car and other machinery;
  • does not increase seizures, therefore suitable for patients with epilepsy;
  • compatible with alcohol, but the effect of the drug is significantly lost.

Disadvantages of taking a new generation antidepressant:

  • for panic attacks and phobias, the therapeutic effect is achieved only in combination with nootropics (Picamilon, Piracetam, Nootropil, etc.)
  • causes fetal abnormalities during pregnancy;
  • contraindicated during lactation;
  • creates a tendency to fractures;
  • Paxil use by adolescents increases the risk of suicidal behavior.


The drug Reboxetine highly effectively inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine. It is used in the maintenance treatment of depression and to relieve acute phases of the disease. The new generation antidepressant Reboxetine is available in tablets of 2 or 4 mg. The clinical effect occurs within the first 2 weeks of taking the medicine. The standard dose of the drug is 8 mg/day.

Positive aspects of Reboxetine:

  • improves performance;
  • promotes adaptation of patients in society;
  • used regardless of food intake.

Negative aspects of taking the medicine:

  • with a daily dose of more than 8 mg, it can cause impotence;
  • provokes insomnia, constipation, difficulty urinating;
  • the drug has not been sufficiently studied regarding interactions with other antidepressants and effects on children.


The new generation antidepressant Duloxetine belongs to the SSRI group. Available in capsules and tablets of 30.60 mg. The drug is quickly absorbed into the blood, but simultaneous ingestion of food with a Duloxetine tablet extends the time of maximum concentration of the active substance in the body to 10 hours. The half-life of the drug is 12 hours.

Advantages of the drug Duloxetine:

  • increases the pain threshold for myalgia;
  • the drug does not cause behavioral disturbances, but the patient often experiences drowsiness;
  • has a wide range of clinical applications.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  • exhibits weak suppression of dopamine uptake;
  • side effects include decreased libido, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating, fatigue;
  • in case of overdose, ataxia and clonic convulsions are possible;
  • not prescribed to patients with severe kidney and liver diseases.


A new generation tricyclic antidepressant Opipramol relieves depressive symptoms, relieves neuroses, anxiety, and sleep disorders. Release form: 50 mg tablets. For outpatient treatment, the maximum daily dose of an antidepressant is 150 mg, in a hospital setting – 250 mg. 70% of Opipramol is excreted by the kidneys, 30% - with bile. The average duration of antidepressant therapy is 1 month.

Benefits of Opipramol:

  • does not cause addiction;
  • exhibits sedative qualities;
  • endowed with antiemetic, antihistamine activity;
  • promotes concentration;
  • improves the patient's mood.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  • requires monitoring of peripheral blood tests;
  • not prescribed for prostatic hyperplasia, closed-angle glaucoma;
  • provokes asthenia.


The action of the new generation antidepressant Mianserin is based on blocking alpha2-adrenergic and 5-HT2 receptors that bind to endogenous serotonin. A stable concentration of the active substance in the blood occurs after 6 days of systematically taking the medicine at 90 mg/day (3 tablets 3 times). The maximum permissible dose is 150 mg/day. The course of taking the drug is 3-6 months.

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Pros of Mianserin:

  • improves sleep;
  • exhibits sedative qualities;
  • does not have anticholinergic activity.

Disadvantages of the new generation antidepressant:

  • stopping the pills causes withdrawal symptoms;
  • not used for manic syndrome, previous myocardial infarction, stomach ulcer;
  • may cause hypotension, swelling, skin rashes;
  • inhibits hematopoiesis after 2-3 months of taking the medicine;
  • possible symptoms of infection (fever, pharyngitis, etc.);


The atypical antidepressant Bupropion is also used in the treatment of nicotine addiction. The clinical effect of the drug is achieved by inhibiting the reuptake of norepinephrine. The drug should not be taken later than 2-3 hours before going to bed, as it often causes insomnia.

Pros of Bupropion:

  • does not lead to weight gain and sexual dysfunction;
  • is an antagonist of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  • contraindicated in renal and liver failure, anorexia nervosa, and in patients prone to seizures;
  • causes epileptic seizures as a side effect;
  • incompatible with sedatives, insulin;
  • At the initial stages of therapy, the risk of suicide increases.

The best antidepressants without prescriptions

Easy medications for stress and depression without prescriptions are now on everyone’s lips, because advertisements for these drugs can be heard and seen literally everywhere - on television, on the Internet, in public transport.

  • Novo-passit;
  • Persen;
  • Neurofulol;
  • Doppelherz neurotonic;
  • Tincture of common valerian;
  • Leuzea extract;
  • St. John's wort extract;
  • Infusion of immortelle;
  • Ginseng infusion;
  • Motherwort infusion;
  • Peppermint;
  • Hawthorn infusion.

All these medicines, obtained from plant materials, help improve sleep and alleviate mild to moderate depression. They have a mild effect, reducing anxiety and causeless restlessness. But any plant has its contraindications associated with individual intolerance. Some of them should not be taken by people with high blood pressure, while others may harm those with low blood pressure. This must be taken into account before treating someone with “calming drops” or drinking it yourself.

In addition to herbal preparations that have a positive effect on the nervous system, there are also synthetic ones that help cope with temporary difficulties at work, in school, and in everyday life. They have different prices, from the cheapest to quite expensive. There are many synthetic drugs, but few of them are freely available. Antidepressants, which you can buy yourself, help with depression, but they should not be taken uncontrolled and without time limits.

Concept and features of neuroses

Neurosis is understood as a disruption of the normal functioning of the nervous system, which is characterized by a number of symptoms:

  • repetition of the same rituals and actions;
  • obsessive thoughts;
  • various phobias;
  • panic attacks;
  • irritability;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • decreased concentration;
  • constant anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • sudden changes in mood;
  • severe reaction to noises or smells.

Not everyone experiences neuroses. They are susceptible to those who have been in a state of stress, depression, traumatic situations for a long time, or endure heavy physical exertion. Also at risk are those who cannot control their emotions and are highly susceptible to the influence of other people. They occur in adults and children, in those employed in hard work and in the unemployed.

Often, but not always and not for everyone, neuroses are accompanied by symptoms of damage to various systems and organs.

  1. Headache often indicates vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  2. Arrhythmia, tachycardia.
  3. Blood pressure problems.
  4. Problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Malfunctions of the digestive system.

These symptoms may occur later as the neurosis progresses. In each specific case, the situation must be assessed individually. It is better to have a doctor do this. It is advisable to conduct a full examination of the body to exclude other diseases or exacerbation of chronic ones. Without proper treatment, neuroses can become permanent or develop into serious mental disorders.

Antidepressants without prescriptions: list

Antidepressants are also divided into types that differ in the mechanism of action:

  • Stopping neuronal uptake of monoamines. These include non-selective agents (blocking the uptake of norepinephrine and serotonin). These are tricyclic antidepressants: Maprotelin, Fluvoxamine, Reboxetine, Amizol, Melipramine.
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO-B and MAO-A inhibitor). These are: Transamine, Autorix, Nialamid, Moclobemide, Pirlindol.

Antidepressants are also divided into:

  • medications with a sedative-stimulating effect (Pyrazidol, Imipramine);
  • drugs with obvious psychostimulating effects (Moclobemide, Transamine, Fluoxetine, Nialamid);
  • drugs that have a sedative effect (Trazadone, Amitriptyline, Tianeptine, Pipofezin, Mirtazaline, Paroxetine, Maprotiline).

The most widespread are antidepressants with a blocking effect on the uptake of monoamines. Such medications are most effective; their therapeutic effect is observed after 2-3 weeks of use. A prescription for purchasing antidepressant medications from pharmacies will only become necessary in the following cases:

  • Exacerbation of the disease.
  • Treatment of severe and long-term depression.
  • If an atypical course of the disorder is observed.

Modern drugs have an undeniable advantage over previously produced antidepressants. They give much fewer side effects, are not addictive, and have a quick healing effect on the body. The new generation of drugs can be combined with the simultaneous use of other medications.

Cure for fatigue

Ability to work and performance in the medical understanding of these expressions are not the same thing. The ability to work is impaired even if the shoe is too tight or the tooth hurts. It’s relatively easy to deal with a shoe or even a tooth, but it’s difficult to deal with decreased performance or chronic fatigue syndrome. We will be discussing a specific condition called chronic fatigue syndrome . It's not quite a disease, but it's definitely not health, but something in between. The boundaries are vague: closer to health - asthenia (weakness) after illness or over the years, and closer to illness - reactive depression . Unfortunately, the term “chronic fatigue syndrome”, which everyone understands, has now been replaced by another: according to the international classification, the condition under discussion has become known as a syndrome of impaired cognition, perception, emotional state and behavior. As they say, simple and tasteful. Let’s make a reservation right away: most remedies for correcting this condition can only be prescribed by a doctor. And I hope that after reading the article, you will understand why only a doctor can help you. The causes of the syndrome are unclear. However, it has been established that it can be caused by a hidden chronic disease, long-term exposure to infrasounds (for example, living next to a highway), as well as a reaction that occurs in response to all kinds of long-term stressful situations at home, at work, in the city, in the country. The syndrome manifests itself as a general decline in desires and strength, when you don’t want and can’t do anything. Reactions are slow, thinking is difficult, volitional activity and activity forced by external forces is reduced. Emotionally, this state is often accompanied by inhibition in the form of general depression and drowsiness, less often by agitation with insomnia and outbursts of irritation, but in both cases by worsening mood in the form of depression. Let's start with the last one. Emotions are from the field of psychopharmacology. It has long been believed that the task of psychiatrists is reduced to prescribing drugs that would inhibit excitation and stimulate inhibition. However, in the case of chronic fatigue syndrome (called the old one for short), this is not suitable. Such sedatives as valerian and similar herbal preparations, Corvalol in combination with sleeping pills, phenazepam and other diazepines do not calm, but only increase asthenia. With chronic fatigue syndrome, outbursts of irritability are associated with a painful experience of one’s condition. It is for such cases that pharmacologists have a completely harmless drug - the amino acid glycine. It facilitates memorization, improves reaction when driving a car, and does not have a hypnotic effect. Weakness from excitement has long been known: in the acute form, it prevents one from achieving records in sports, and in the chronic form, it leads to the loss of the ability to concentrate and to a decrease in mental performance. Of the soft, so-called daytime, general-action sedatives, nootropic (from the Greek noos - mind and tropos - direction) drugs phenibut, pyriditol, acephen, picamilon are more suitable for this case. They not only calm you down, but also improve memory and thinking. However, the popular nootropil (piracetam), which belongs to the same group of substances, is a mild stimulant and is useful in cases of depression. Now let's move on to activators, that is, activating substances . Most common stimulants have been known to mankind for many millennia - tea, coffee and cocoa. The tea bush grew in the place where, according to legend, the Buddhist preacher Bodhidharma, who arrived in China from India, threw his cut eyelids on the ground so as not to fall asleep. The leaves of the plant helped the preacher work day and night for many years. The sage called the bush “tsai-ye”. Having migrated to Mongolia, the plant began to be called “tsai”, and came to Russia (under Alexei Mikhailovich) under the name “tea”. The great N.I. Vavilov established that the tea bush appeared in Indochina, and from it three varieties emerged: Vietnamese, Chinese and Indian, and then others. The beginning of the 19th century was marked by the isolation in pure form of many valuable plant substances, called “ alkaloids ”. One of the first was caffeine , obtained in 1821 by the German chemist F. F. Runge from coffee beans. It is believed that coffee has more caffeine than tea, but this is not true. Tea leaves may contain even more caffeine than coffee beans, but tea is only brewed, while coffee is boiled. Out of habit, people associate coffee only with caffeine, tea with theophylline, and cocoa with theobromine. The effect of caffeine on the central nervous system was studied in detail by I. P. Pavlov, who for five years headed the department of pharmacology at the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg. He showed that caffeine in large doses, instead of activation, causes suppression of reflexes and disruption of higher nervous activity.

Addiction to very strong tea (chifir) causes theism - a form of drug addiction , which leads to damage to the heart muscle, and addiction to coffee - caffeineism, which causes impairment of thinking abilities . Nowadays, caffeine is known primarily as a means of activating a tired brain. It is a psycho-energizer, although initially it was considered a means of stimulating cardiac activity. To excite is exciting, but that is what makes it dangerous.

Cocoa , and because of it chocolate, also excites. That is why it should not be given to children. That is why they treat guests, especially slow ladies. It is curious that caffeine is synthesized in many plants: guarana grows in the wilds of the Amazon, holly (mate) grows in Paraguay, cola grows in Africa. Huge Russia does not have such plants. Let's not be sad, we have our own. From time immemorial, hunters have roamed the taiga part of Siberia for days. The hunter is tired - don't be tired, don't sleep, go. It's the same in the mountains. They left for a long time, ate pasture. And they found a plant - ephedra . It grows in the Urals, the Caucasus and the mountains of Crimea. Another species of this plant was found in the Volga region, which is popularly called kuzmich grass in memory of the famous local healer. In 1882, the Japanese chemist W. Nagai isolated the active principle from ephedra - the alkaloid ephedrine. It enhances the influence of sympathetic nerves and adrenaline on blood vessels and bronchi and, like adrenaline, narrows the former and dilates the latter. Hence the main use of ephedrine for the common cold and bronchial asthma. The use of the new alkaloid in the clinic began only in the 20s of the last century. Unlike adrenaline (contained in the adrenal cortex), it acts for a relatively long time and penetrates well into the brain, having not so much an exciting effect on it as an activating, awakening effect. The need for anti-fatigue remedies was felt not only and not so much by the clinic, but by the army. In reconnaissance, in a submarine, in a long-range bomber, you don’t get much sleep. To enhance vigor, ephedrine had a short and weak effect. The duration of action of a substance is determined by the presence or absence of hydroxyl groups in the ring, and the effect on the central nervous system is determined by the presence of additional methyl groups in the chain. It was this fact that chemists took advantage of, and the drug amphetamine was synthesized in the USA, then Benzedrine in Germany, then in the USSR, but under the name “phenamine”, and then all over the world under different names. During the Second World War, this substance was widely used in the armies of warring countries. In the clinic, it was initially used as an activator and antidepressant, then only for diseases and conditions accompanied by depression and decreased activity, and for obesity, since it suppressed appetite. Subsequently, it turned out that phenamine and its derivatives cause a lot of side effects, in particular, they disrupt the functions of the heart muscle, increase blood pressure and cause a pronounced “recoil phenomenon” - after activation of the body, it becomes deeply depressed. Due to its ability to lead to drug addiction, it is practically not used and is under special registration. In terms of drug distribution, fortunately, we have not yet reached the European level, but we are definitely catching up quickly. In a word, business “the night is yours - add fire!” is thriving. Why be ashamed, if even in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg, the drug nicotine is advertised on every corner. The famous psychiatrist Sigmud Freud, long before the discovery of the method of psychoanalysis, treated patients with cocaine, which was popular at the beginning of the last century as an antidepressant. Depression gave way to drug addiction, which Freud himself did not avoid. It makes no sense to use “large” (strong) antidepressants for fatigue and depressed mood - they are only suitable for the treatment of depressive psychosis. And although chronic fatigue is similar to depression, it is different. However, after consulting with your doctor, you can try “minor” (weak) antidepressants that are effective for reactive depression: azafen - a sedative, sydnofen - an activating one. And sidnocarb, rather, is just a mild activator of higher nervous activity, a substitute for phenamine, eliminating chronic fatigue and increasing performance. Does not cause euphoria or drug addiction. Russian pharmacologists have received the drug bemitil , considered an actoprotector (a new class of physical performance stimulants), which not only excites, but increases impaired mental and physical performance even with a single use. Completely harmless. Actoprotectors are especially useful for restoring activity after debilitating diseases (in some cases, the period of loss of strength after illness can be prolonged, taking on the character of an independent pathology). The most popular drug in this group is mildronate. It is also used to increase endurance to physical activity. As it turned out, it is chemically similar to the relatively recently discovered vitamin-like substance carnitine, which is even called vitamin B - growth vitamin . It is able to increase muscle mass while simultaneously breaking down fat. In addition, it protects nerve cells from destruction (apoptosis), which is observed both in diseases and in aging. It is usually prescribed for growth retardation, exhaustion, severe illness, and after myocardial infarction. A new drug, epoetin, has appeared, which is close to the hormone erythropoietin, which can increase the production of red blood cells and thereby improve the body's oxygen supply and cope with types of anemia that were previously incurable. And where there is anemia, there is chronic fatigue. And yet, let’s return again to plant medicines to help with chronic fatigue. The next group came from the Amur region of China and from the Ussuri taiga. The famous "root man" - ginseng - was first mentioned in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia of 1596. In Russia, it has long been used by hunters, but it formally became known in 1875 according to the description of the Russian ambassador to China. Ginseng still remains the king of nervous system tonics, but it rules along with many close, but not identical, relatives. The effect in the form of an increase in all types of performance and potency occurs within a few days, sometimes weeks, after the start of use. Another advantage is that even at the peak of the action, a person does not experience a subjective feeling of excitement. Ginseng weakens the effect of sleeping pills and can cause sleep disturbances, but there is no addiction or addiction to it. Ginsana ginseng powder is more active and bioginseng is less active. Contraindications to the use of these drugs are agitation, insomnia, and bleeding. Blood pressure does not increase, but if you have hypertension, it should be taken under medical supervision. Like all drugs in this group, ginseng should not be taken at the end of the day. The most active of the “brothers and sisters” of ginseng is Rhodiola rosea , which is popularly called the “golden root” (not by value, but by color). In addition to general indications, it is used as a tonic for arterial hypotension, some neuroses, and to restore strength after serious illnesses. Close to Rhodiola, but less active, Aralia Manchurian . Saparal tablets are obtained from it. Compared to the above-mentioned plants, Schisandra chinensis, Eleutherococcus senticosus and Leuzea safflower are less active. One of the active principles, ecdisthene, has been isolated from Leuzea, which, in addition to its tonic effect, has the ability to accelerate protein synthesis and for this reason is especially indicated for use after debilitating diseases, in old age, and for young people during intense training. It is not considered doping. One of the largest pharmacologists in our country, Academician N.V. Lazarev, called all preparations from these plants adaptogens (generating an adaptation) for the reason that they make a person more efficient, more resistant to all kinds of stress and to any harmful ones, including infectious ones , influences. He believed that they awakened his “inner doctor” in a person, like morning exercises and hardening with cold water. That is why drinking a bottle of ginseng tincture is pointless; the best effect is achieved with its long-term use in small doses. Synthetic adaptogens include dibazole, proposed by Academician S.V. Anichkov as an antispasmodic and antihypertensive agent. Later it turned out that it also increases immunity . Academician I.P. Ashmarin proposed the oligopeptide Semax as a nootropic and adaptive agent. Since this drug breaks down into individual amino acids in the stomach, it is administered by drops into the nose. We discussed universal psychomyo-energizers - drugs that increase the strength and mobility of nervous processes and muscle strength. But there are drugs with symptomatic action: eliminating hypotension, dilating blood vessels and improving metabolism in the brain. These include many vitamins, especially thiamine - B1, riboflavin - B2, nicotinic acid - B3 and PP, cyanocobalamin - B12, pangamic acid - B15, orotic acid. And, of course, hormones. Often, very common hypothyroidism (thyroid dysfunction) is accompanied by weakness. It is treated with iodine preparations (iodides), potassium and sodium. But they, and especially thyroid hormones, are allowed to be taken only as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor. Sex hormones are the source of both strength and energy, therefore activators such as retabolil, phenobolin and others are doping and are not sold (should not be sold). The need for them arises in addition to diseases due to natural hypogonadism (insufficient secretion of hormones) in women - during menopause, that is, after 55 years, necessarily, in men - later (someone is hormonally active even at 100 years old). Women lose in hormones, gain in longevity. But you can’t take hormones without a doctor. All the remedies we talked about work, but... the main thing remains movement, hardening, clean air and positive emotions. True, this requires will and favorable living conditions. Where can I get them? A vicious circle that should be broken by all means, most importantly with the help of a doctor.

according to the article by Doctor of Medical Sciences V. Prozorovsky

The most effective antidepressants without prescriptions

The most popular are stimulants. This is due to the great physical and psycho-emotional stress that befalls modern man. The most popular is Prozac (Fluoxetine, Prodel, Profluzac, Fluval) - it relieves obsessive thoughts, relieves bulimia or anorexia, PMS. Costs 485 rubles. Additionally, over-the-counter antidepressants include:

  • Ludiomil tablets (Maprotiline, Ladiomil) - reduces apathy and improves mood. The drug is prescribed during menopause to treat nervous exhaustion of various natures. Price - 68 rubles.
  • Paxil (Rexetine, Adepress, Actaparoxetine, Plizil, Paroxetine hydrochloride hemihydrate, Sirestill) - the drug is prescribed to adults and children to relieve symptoms of depression of all types, eliminates suicidal thoughts. Price - 649 rubles.
  • Deprima tablets (Gelarium hypericum, DoppelHertz-nervotonic) - the drug relieves chronic fatigue and increases performance. Price - 217 rubles.
  • Leuzea extract - the drug is effective as part of a complex treatment: tones, improves ability to work, mood, appetite. Cost: 69 rubles.
  • Ginseng tincture - relieves symptoms of overwork, fatigue, and increases blood pressure. It should be taken with caution in patients with hyperthyroidism. Cost - 25 rubles.
  • Schisandra tincture is indicated for all hypotensive patients; when treated, it softens the symptoms of neurasthenia, depression, and improves visual acuity. Price - 42 rubles.

Strong antidepressants without prescriptions

The list contains the most effective antidepressants, available without a prescription, which can help get rid of mild forms of depression and do not have a negative effect on the body with long-term use.

  • Afobazole
    is an antidepressant based on fabomotizole, available at an affordable price without a prescription. The product restores and protects nerve cells, providing a neuroprotective effect. The effect of Afobazole is a simultaneous stimulating and sedative effect, since the drug eliminates anxiety, fear, worry, tearfulness, bad feelings and irritation. The use of Afobazole is indicated for generalized anxiety disorders, neurasthenia, sleep disorders, neurocirculatory dystonia, PMS, as well as to alleviate the “withdrawal” syndrome of alcohol and nicotine addiction.
  • Stressovit
    is a preparation in the form of capsules containing a dry extract of St. John's wort flowers, motherwort leaves, and peony lactiflora roots. The use of Stressovit reduces anxiety, feelings of fear, restlessness and tension, hypochondria, improves falling asleep and ensures deeper sleep, and increases performance. The drug does not have a hypnotic effect during the day and is not addictive.
  • Persen
    is a herbal preparation in tablets containing extract of valerian roots, lemon balm leaves and peppermint. Medicinal herbs in the composition provide a calming and antidepressant effect, and also help normalize circadian rhythms and sleep. The drug is used after the withdrawal of potent sedatives, with increased nervous excitability, irritability, insomnia, as well as during stress, strong emotional and psychological stress.

Tricyclic antidepressants: list of drugs

Depressive disorders of various types are increasingly taking over humanity. And in order to somehow combat depression, doctors prescribe numerous antidepressants, including tricyclics, which have a small list of drugs. The list of tricyclic antidepressant drugs includes several similar non-selective (non-selective) inhibitors (process inhibitors) of monoamine reuptake (neurotransmitters: Norepinephrine, Dopamine, Serotonin - chemical substances responsible for the transmission of impulses between neurons and maintaining a good mood... in everyday life - “Hormones happiness").

The latter, with depression, anxiety, and fears, are not produced adequately, leading a person to a bad mood, severe depression, emotional and psychological suffering and mental disorders. Tricyclic antidepressants - list of drugs:

  • Amitriptyline;
  • Rimipramine;
  • Imipramine;
  • Clomipramine;
  • Desipramine;
  • Fluoroacyzine;
  • Northliptilin;
  • Protlitilin;
  • Tofranil;
  • Elavil;
  • Trimipramine;
  • Azafen;
  • Saroten Retard;
  • Clofranil;
  • Doxepin;
  • Melipramine;
  • Anafranil;
  • Maprotiline.

Remember! tricyclic antidepressants, in addition to numerous side effects, do not cure the disease itself, do not remove its original source - they only relieve the symptoms of the disease. This means that even if after taking tricyclic antidepressants your symptoms disappear and remission occurs, you will probably experience the same condition, if not worse, soon, if not immediately after stopping the drug.

Tranquilizers and antidepressants, what's the difference?

Treatment of depressive syndrome, as well as other mental disorders, involves the use of various medications. The choice of drugs is based on the causes of the pathology and the severity of its clinical symptoms. In addition, the doctor must take into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Today, tranquilizers and antidepressants are used in the treatment of mental illness. The average person cannot understand the difference between these categories of medicines. In this article we will look at how tranquilizers differ from antidepressants, the principle of their use and the appropriateness of their use.

To summarize all of the above, here is a short list of the key differences between tranquilizers and antidepressants:

  • These drugs have different chemical bases and differ in their mechanism of action on the body.
  • In order to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect, antidepressants should be taken over a long period of time. In contrast, tranquilizers are used in short courses in minimal dosages.
  • Compared to antidepressants, tranquilizers have fewer negative side effects.

The question of what is better than tranquilizers or antidepressants is inappropriate, since the latter are used to improve mood, and the former are used to get rid of panic attacks and groundless fear. You should also pay attention to the fact that tranquilizers are used in various fields of medicine, while antidepressants are used exclusively in psychiatry.

Psychotherapeutic techniques and other methods of therapy

Along with the treatment of neuroses with medications, herbal medicine and physiotherapy have proven themselves well. When developing a therapeutic regimen, it is important to take into account that disorders of this type have “double” symptoms - somatic (physiological) and psychological. Only an experienced neuropathologist, psychiatrist or neurologist can solve mental problems. In some cases, the involvement of acupuncturists and massage therapists is required. To get rid of mental problems, homeopathic treatment is often used, which involves the use of products based on natural raw materials. Moreover, biologically active substances are used in microdoses.

Serotonin syndrome when taking antidepressants

Serotonin syndrome is a side effect of a number of medications from different groups that cause an increase in serotonin levels and its accumulation in the body, which depends on the dose of the drug taken. The pathology was first described in the middle of the last century, when, after taking antidepressant medications, patients began to experience alarming symptoms. However, to this day, not all doctors are familiar with this disease and can establish the correct diagnosis, so there is no accurate epidemiological information about the prevalence of serotonin syndrome.

When serotonin levels in the body deviate from the norm, problems arise. Thus, when taking medications that affect the metabolism of this substance and cause its excess, the processes in which it is involved in the regulation may be disrupted. Serotonin syndrome (serotonin toxicity) may be associated with the following mechanisms leading to increased serotonin levels:

  • activation of serotonin synthesis;
  • stimulation of its release;
  • blockade of enzymes that break down serotonin;
  • violation of the return of this substance;
  • excessive activation of serotonin receptors.

The first thing to do if you have serotonin syndrome is to stop taking medications that are associated with this reaction. It is imperative to seek medical help, which will depend on the severity of the clinical picture. Patients with this diagnosis are hospitalized in a hospital, and a therapist and toxicologist take part in the treatment.

Causes and manifestations of neuroses

The cause of the development of disorders is external or internal conflicts, psycho-emotional stress, or the influence of factors that provoke psychological trauma. The clinical picture is distinguished by obsessive, asthenic or hysterical manifestations. In addition, the patient experiences a transient decline in cognitive abilities and physical performance. People whose psyche is unstable are more susceptible to this pathology. Treatment of physiological manifestations of neurosis is mainly medicinal. In general, these disorders are best treated in a comprehensive manner (with the participation of an experienced psychotherapist).

The main groups of drugs for the drug treatment of neuroses:

  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • nootropics;
  • sedative herbal medicines.

What can replace antidepressants?

When a person regularly faces stressful situations, his mood worsens and mental disorders may develop. Depressive conditions today are a serious problem that negatively affects a person’s overall health. Medicines help to cope with this problem, but they cannot always be used. Therefore, many are looking for ways to replace antidepressants. First you need to reconsider your lifestyle. You should give up bad habits, such as smoking. Also a prerequisite is the correction of the diet - it is important to remove from it foods that negatively affect your health. These can be fatty, sweet dishes.

You should increase the amount of physical activity and find time to relax. To completely abandon antidepressants, you need to change your thinking and remove all irritating factors from your life. In addition to regular meditation, essential oils can help effectively cope with depression. To improve your mood, you can use oils:

  • orange;
  • basilica;
  • roses;
  • lavender;
  • neroli.

They can be used in various ways. This includes dry inhalation, aroma lamp, and bathing. There is no need to look for which drugs can replace antidepressants; it is better to use medicinal herbs that have similar therapeutic properties. Finding an alternative to replace antidepressants is quite simple, because there are many safer methods for your health. Therefore, you just need to study each one and choose the most suitable one.

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