Lesson with training elements “Formation of positive thinking as a way to preserve and strengthen psychological and social health”

Missed all the deadlines? An important deal fell through? Did your neighbors flood? Positive thinking can change your attitude towards troubles and solve all your problems!

Pfff. Are you really falling for this? For me, ecstasy has the same effect - the attitude towards troubles is turned upside down, be healthy, and you don’t even need to learn any thinking! In both cases, ignoring reality is not a solution to the problem at all, and the customer or neighbors don’t care about your thinking style. After all, your problems are now theirs too.

Calls to think positively today come from everywhere - from books, TV, newspapers and Internet resources. Well, yes, smile - it annoys everyone. But where did you get the idea that thoughts are so material that positive thinking will be a panacea for all ills?

There are certainly positives to seeing the bright side of this world. For example, this will save your nerve cells that are not being restored. But that's not what this is about. We are talking about how most people perceive the phenomenon of positive thinking: “For everything to be good, you just need to think about good things!” And voila! Well, okay, maybe without “voila”, but the gist is something like this.

The so-called teaching of "positive thinking" makes people think that they don't even have to lift a finger for anything to happen - everything will happen on its own, as if by magic! Well, it doesn’t really talk about magic, only about quantum mechanics... It apparently explains the appearance of magical genies who fulfill all desires - money, success, or whatever else you have on the list.

Please don't fall for this bullshit. If we talk about quantum mechanics and other sciences, then there is a very simple formula for the result: positive thoughts multiplied by zero actions ultimately give zero. Elementary Watson.

Studying quantum mechanics and fairy tales is a good thing, but it definitely won’t solve the problem

Common Definition of Positive Thinking

The term “positive thinking” first appeared in the book “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale. Let's see what the author himself says about his theory.

“Positive Thinking” teaches you to perceive the world from a completely different point of view and use your capabilities to achieve the desired results through positive, realistic beliefs and thoughts. It is based on the scientifically proven fact that thoughts directly affect feelings, which in turn affect behavior.

. So if you think positively, you will get positive results, and if you think negatively, you will get negative results.”

Hm. Well, I quite like this, especially the highlighted part. In this definition, thinking has nothing to do with genies and “money magnets.” No quantum mechanics. Only the theory “Thoughts cause feelings, feelings cause actions.” I can't help but agree.

However (and this “however” must be highlighted in red) you should not buy the last sentence. Positive thinking does not guarantee a positive result. Do you remember how many times you were 100% sure of something and failed? And vice versa - how many times were you sure that you would be unlucky and - oops! – did everything work out?

The point is that events do not happen because of thinking. Events happen because you make them. All the salt is in action.


Barbara Fredrickson, a researcher at the University of North Carolina, conducted a classic experiment with five groups of people. Each group was shown pictures that provoked a different emotional response.

  • The first group saw images that evoked joy.
  • The second group was shown pictures that provoked satisfaction.
  • For the third group, the pictures were neutral.
  • The images for the fourth group were intended to frighten her.
  • The fifth group was angry about the pictures.

Each group was then asked to write down what actions they would take in a situation that created these feelings.

Groups 4 and 5 recorded significantly fewer activities than the others. Groups 1 and 2 wrote down more different options and details. In other words, feeling positive emotions helped us see more possibilities and options. Fear and irritation constrain a person.

People who think more positively are more likely to do things to make those thoughts a reality. They learn new skills and develop existing ones, so they truly have more opportunities in life.

Warning : Positive thinking is wonderful. But you shouldn't think like that every time, especially when a tragedy happens in life. Bad situations happen from time to time and being always positive is counterproductive.

The Correct Definition of Positive Thinking

Now that we've established that it's all about action, let's formulate a proper definition of "positive thinking":

Positive thinking is the conscious choice of thoughts that create positive feelings and a desire to act.

If you purposefully move to the “light side”, you begin to focus on thoughts that make you feel good because it is based on facts, not magical quantum mechanics. If, for example, you go out into your garden and start thinking: “no weeds, no weeds, no weeds,” then in a week the weeds will hide your cabbage to hell. But if you say to yourself: “It’s great that I have a garden, and if I work in it, it will be absolutely great,” then you will mentally prepare yourself to take action.

The psychology is simple: when you feel like your actions can change the world, you are more willing to take such actions. “Coming to the bright side” means framing the situation in your head in a way that makes you want to take action rather than feeling sorry for yourself.

Your attitude to the situation is only the first step, action is the second

Bottom line

You choose the filter through which you will look at the world around you. If you want the picture to be kinder, you need to put in a little effort. Yes, again, nothing without working on yourself. But you must admit, it is not very difficult.

Finally, I suggest you watch the TED video on getting stuck in negativity. This is what gave me the idea to write this material.

Friends, write in the comments what you think about this. Are you making an effort to think more positively? Maybe I'm wrong about something or have simplified something too much. I am also learning what I write about, so it will be interesting to know your opinion.

This article is important for the next material in the series on motivation. Subscribe to updates or join on social networks so as not to miss the continuation. And may you have a positive mindset every day!

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See you later! Yours Alexander Gorokhov

How Affirmations Work

Affirmations have the power to reprogram your thinking. By doing so, they help you change your beliefs. This process replaces negative beliefs with positive ones. By constantly repeating positive statements, you train your subconscious mind to truly believe what you are stating. Or, to be more precise, repetition trains your subconscious mind to believe that whatever you set your mind to can be achieved. Thus, positive affirmations establish a positive mindset towards achieving your goals.

How to use affirmations

Before we look at the various powerful affirmations, it is important to understand how to use them. Just having a huge list of positive affirmations won't help.

When it comes to affirmations, repetition is key. Therefore, it is advisable to spend at least five minutes on approval. Say your affirmations out loud and clearly. Continue reading the statement out loud until five minutes have passed. You can then choose another affirmation to imbue your mind with. In general, it is recommended to perform this entire process three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening.

Another great way to make affirmations more effective is to look at yourself in the mirror while talking.

The beauty of affirmations is that you can easily create your own. All you need to do is identify the area of ​​your life that you are unhappy with. Create a list of all your negative qualities that you want to transform. Remember that affirmations are designed to help you overcome negative thought processes. For this reason, they should be positive, specific, relevant and concise.

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Once you have completed your list, prioritize the negative qualities. Start with the ones you want to reach immediately.

When writing your statements, it is important to keep your statements in the present tense. Secondly, it is important to keep your statement positive. Don't use words like "no" and "can't." The reason for this is simple: our subconscious mind does not understand denials. It just skips words like “no.” This means that when you say “I don’t want to smoke,” your subconscious mind interprets it as “I want to smoke.” Avoid this fatal mistake by focusing on what you want to achieve rather than the problem.

It's also important to include action in your statements. Use affirmations to establish yourself as a person who takes action.

Below is a wide range of different statements that can be applied in different situations.

30 most powerful affirmations

1. I am the architect of my life. I am the creator of my reality. 2. I accept and love myself for who I am. 3. I am supported and loved by God / the Creator / the Universe / etc. 4. I am surrounded by abundance. 5. I am healthy, energetic and optimistic. 6. I am filled with happiness, joy and satisfaction. 7. My body is relaxed. My mind is calm. My soul is at peace. 8. I can achieve anything I want. 9. I am a positive person. 10. I can achieve greatness. 11. Everything in my life leads to something positive. 12. I forgive. My compassion replaces anger with love. 13. I can overcome all the problems I face. 14. I become more confident and stronger every day. 15. My potential for success is limitless. 16. I am becoming more knowledgeable and wiser every day. 17. I have a lot of brilliant ideas. 18. I overcome my fears by confronting them. 19. I am at peace with my past. 20. I radiate love, happiness, harmony and positivity 21. I am a patient, diplomatic and tolerant person. 22. I am grateful for the miracles in my life. 23. The universe supports me in every possible way. 24. Every experience in my life helps me grow. 25. Today I am laying the foundation for a wonderful future. 26. I'm safe. 27. I speak kindly about others. 28. Whatever I seek, I find. 29. I freed myself by forgiving myself. 30. My life matters. I contribute to the progress of humanity.


Self-assessment confirmations

31. I love myself and feel great. 32. I accept myself unconditionally. 33. I find difficulties interesting. 34. I exude confidence. 35. Challenges bring out the best in me.

  • 10 reasons why you should love and accept yourself

Affirmations for self-confidence

36. I have confidence in my abilities and skills. 37. I make the right decisions. 38. I am brave. 39. I am determined 40. I am worthy of happiness and love.

Affirmations for Love

41. My heart is always open. I am kind to everyone I meet. 42. I am surrounded by love. I attract good people. 43. I love you unconditionally and without hesitation. 44. I deserve love. I am loved and appreciated by those around me. 45. Wherever I go, love accompanies me.

affirmations for relationships and love

Affirmations for Relationships

46. ​​Love, forgiveness and understanding are the foundation of my relationships. 47. I give and receive love equally. 48. I accept my partner unconditionally. 49. I value who I really am. 50. My marriage/relationship is getting stronger, deeper and more beautiful every day.

Money and wealth

51. I attract money easily. 52. I constantly discover new ways of income. 53. I am open to all the riches that life has to offer. 54. I use money to improve other people's lives. 55. I attract profitable opportunities to create money.

Affirmations for Prosperity and Abundance

56. I see abundance everywhere. 57. I am becoming more and more prosperous every day. 58. Life takes care of all my needs. 59. My life is full of prosperity. 60. I deserve abundance and prosperity.

For good health

61. Every day I feel good. 62. I am full of vitality. 63. I take good care of my body and eat a healthy, balanced diet. 64. My body is a holy temple. I keep it clean and keep it functional. 65. I exercise regularly and strengthen my body.

For business

66. My job/business is of great importance in this world. 67. I am building a successful business. 68. I create value with my service. My business is a gift to this world. 69. I understand business. 70. Every failure makes me a better businessman/entrepreneur.

Spiritual Affirmations

71. The Universe directs all my actions. 72. I am a spiritual being. 73. I am in harmony with the universe. 74. Grace and love work through me. 75. I see a spark of divinity in myself and in others.

Affirmation when you feel hopeless

76. Everything leads to something better. 77. I can find the positive in any situation. 78. I can find optimistic ways to deal with difficulties. 79. There is something good in every situation, even if I don’t see it right now. 80. There is always another way. There is always a solution to my problems.

Affirmations for Calm When You're Angry

81. I remain calm in unpleasant situations. 82. I forgive others for their mistakes. 83. I forgive myself for all my mistakes, failures and shortcomings. 84. I let go of my anger. It helps me make better decisions and see things more clearly. 85. Compassion and understanding help me overcome anger.

Calm Affirmations When You're Afraid or Nervous

86. My intuition and inner wisdom guide me in any situation. 87. Life always wants the best for me. 88. Challenges are opportunities for growth. 89. Every time I exhale, I exhale tension and anxiety. 90. Every situation serves my highest good.

To overcome loneliness

91. I am a kind and unique person. I have a lot to offer in friendship. 92. I enjoy my own company; it helps me get in touch with my true self. 93. Loneliness helps me rest. 94. I am calm and happy when I am alone. 95. I can always brighten someone else's day by doing something with them.

Affirmations for making decisions when you are not sure about the right decision

96. My intuition and wisdom lead me in the right direction. 97. I believe in myself. I am able to come up with the best possible solution. 98. I am confident in my decisions. 99. Even if I make the wrong decision, it will always lead me to something positive. 100. I make responsible decisions and think about how they affect other people.

Affirmations for Friendship

affirmations for friendship

101. My friendships are meaningful, supportive and rewarding. 102. My friends love me for who I am. 103. I accept others; it helps me build lasting friendships. 104. I attract positive people with whom I quickly become friends. 105. I surround myself with friends who care about me and treat me well.

Affirmations before bed when you can't sleep

106. I feel relaxed. 107. I let go of everything that bothers me. 108. My mind is at peace. 109. I fall into a deep and relaxing sleep. 110. I feel very sleepy and ready to fall asleep.

Social affirmations when you're around people you don't know

111. I feel calm and comfortable around other people. 112. I like meeting new people. 113. I am sociable. I can enrich other people's lives. 114. I'm excited about the amazing people I'm going to meet today. 115. It’s easy to talk to me. I am confident when I am around others.

For work and career

116. My job adds pleasure to my life. 117. I am exactly where I want to be. My career provides me with the right opportunities for growth. 118. I am valued at work. 119. I perform my work with the greatest diligence and attention. 120. My work has a profound impact on this world.

Morning affirmations when you don’t want to get up

121. Today will be a fabulous day. 122. This day will bring me nothing but joy, satisfaction and happiness. 123. I have everything to make this day relevant. 124. I face the challenges of this day with courage and endurance. 125. I'm excited to see what today holds.

Affirmations to stop worrying about the future

126. I am optimistic about the future. 127. The future brings many pleasant surprises. 128. I believe in my ability to create a fabulous future. 129. I let go of worries and replace them with excitement, hope and optimism. 130. I have everything it takes to make my dreams come true.

When you're stuck in life

131. New and exciting opportunities are constantly appearing in my life. 132. I always find ways to get back on track. 133. I believe in my ability to move on. 134. I am in control of my life. 135. I believe in my ability to gain valuable information from this situation.

When others don't support you

136. I believe in my ability to achieve my dreams, no matter what. 137. My family and friends support me even if they don't share my dreams. 138. I help others achieve their dreams. 139. I have compassion when others don't understand my dreams. 140. I have all the support and help I need.

Affirmations for success

141. I am successful in everything I do. 142. Failure teaches me how I can become successful in life. 143. I leave no stone unturned to achieve success. 144. I attract success. 145. I stick to my own definition of success.

Affirmations for when you don't feel good enough

146. I am getting better every day. 147. I believe in my ability to overcome shortcomings. 148. I replace unconstructive criticism with encouraging support. 149. Perfection can be found in all my flaws. 150. I always try my best.

Positive affirmations can be incredibly powerful if used correctly. However, affirmations should not be confused with magic. Positive affirmations are simply statements that will help you effectively retrain your brain to think more positively. They enable you to develop the necessary mindset that helps you achieve your dreams.

However, affirmations do not excuse you from taking action. These are not magic spells that will instantly make all your dreams come true. Instead, they provide the necessary foundation for success. They establish exactly the attitudes and beliefs that you need to live a life full of joy and happiness.

This means you still have to take action! And yes, you still have to do all the work. But you will achieve much more if your actions are based on a solid foundation of supporting mental thought processes. Such positive thoughts will make your life much easier. Moreover, positive affirmations can make the difference between giving up and continuing to pursue your dreams.

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Do Positive Affirmations Work?

Research on this topic is unfortunately limited. However, there is some research that points to the great power of positive affirmations. Using positive affirmation has been found to be particularly effective in increasing self-esteem and reducing depression.

Various scientific studies have shown that affirmations are not only effective, but can also help you improve your self-esteem and reduce depression.

For example, one particular study conducted by Northwestern State University in Natchitoches found that it is possible to increase self-esteem within two weeks by using positive affirmations. Other studies confirm these results. Two recent studies have emphasized that positive affirmation can be used to reduce negative thought patterns.

Positive Quotes That Will Change Your Life Forever

Positive Quotes That Will Change Your Life Forever Reading quotes about positivity can help you change your way of thinking. This change in thinking will improve all aspects of your life and make it happier and more joyful. Choosing to be positive can bring you opportunities that you would never have received otherwise. It will also help you to be better in all areas of your life. Sometimes being negative is more natural than seeing the good in all situations. Don't take the easy way out because being positive will allow you to live a better life. These positivity quotes can help you on your journey.

Positive Quotes That Will Change Your Life Forever:

“A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances, rather than your circumstances having power over you.” — Joyce Meyer

Staying positive during the toughest times will keep you in control of your life. However, if you choose to be negative, Mayer explains that circumstances will control you.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will begin to see positive results.” — Willie Nelson

By changing your thought process, you will also notice changes in your life . Positive thoughts bring positive changes in your life.

“The only time you fail is when you fall and stay down.” — Stevie Richards

It's okay to fail sometimes. Failure is a part of life. The only time failure becomes a problem is when you don't come back and try again. Think of failure as a learning opportunity. Now you will know what not to do next time.

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