Vladislav Bilyk
Executive Director of Digital Agency Smenik Agency.
Let's start with the fact that everyone burns out. It even seems to me that this is a mandatory stage in achieving success for any person - both an entrepreneur and an employee.
I decided to share a simple but effective burnout methodology. If you recognize yourself in at least some part of the steps I have outlined, then you are on the right path. Follow these ironic recommendations and you may lead yourself to prolonged depression.
Give up meaningful goals
You can have meaningless goals, but you should not have great aspirations that would be practically unattainable within one lifetime. You shouldn't strive to change the world around you for the better. The maximum is improving your life through the purchase of material goods, the joy of which disappears in about a week.
“Why conquer the stars? Why waste yourself on improving the lives of others? Why give hope? Why should I sleep? Why wake up? Why move? Why am I living? - this is exactly what your train of thought should look like.
Take on as much work as possible
If you are a leader, take control of as many areas as possible, preferably different and not intersecting. You know that as soon as you let go of a task, it will definitely not be done well. Quality will definitely suffer, or deadlines will be missed, or force majeure will happen... Of course, similar problems would most likely arise for you - but still.
By placing coordination of every action with every employee on every task in the company into your already busy schedule, you can effectively slow down all processes at once.
Are you familiar with this situation? This means that you have raised employees whose best qualities are irresponsibility and laziness. You have a low level of trust in your team; no one cares about the end result. And, oddly enough, this is precisely your merit. After working in such a team, it will probably be difficult for an employee to adapt to a different working style, and he will take your values to another employer. Thus, you make not only yourself and your colleagues unhappy, but also the labor market as a whole.
I recommend that hired employees take on as many tasks as possible and promise to complete them as quickly as possible. Don’t even think about giving up and plan the load, distributing it evenly. This way, not only will you not be able to let yourself and your employer down, but you will also show a high level of self-organization, which only moves you away from burnout. If you still try to complete all the tasks within the promised time frame, then be sure to take the work home.
Are you a remote worker or freelancer? Work 12 hours a day. More is possible. This is exactly the schedule that the most successful “burnouts” have.
In addition to your main job, be sure to take on additional projects. This can be either paid work or hard, long-term free help. Don’t plan your personal time and don’t even think about spending it on vacation.
Settlement for failure
Many people try hard at their workplace, but cannot achieve great heights, or even dream of going home quickly at the very beginning of the working day. Such relationships with work take away the joys of life and hurt the employee’s self-esteem. Things snowball, causing constant stress and unwillingness to work.
Of course, there are periods of stagnation even in the best workplace. But in this case we are talking about constant emotional discomfort. The best psychologists and authors of books about the work of the subconscious, such as, for example, Vadim Zeland, explain that money is simply energy and comes in abundance to those who do what they love.
Limit your interests
Don't read books, don't take up hobbies, don't meet new people, don't go out for no reason, don't leave the house or go anywhere. Turn your life into an endless routine with work and home.
At home, it is advisable to stick to YouTube, and the stupider the video, the better. Don't attend any events or meet with friends.
If you have the opportunity to work on weekends, work; if not, think about work. This way, mentally, you will never leave the office.
Knowing how much an hour of your working time costs will help you succeed in this. Keep this amount in your head so that you always understand what that pointless trip or that useless trip to the restaurant cost you. After all, you could earn money at this time. And I wish I could stay awake! Although this is a separate point.
If suddenly you happen to communicate with someone, then don’t talk about anything other than work. This way, in the shortest possible time, your interlocutor will become as bored and uninterested in spending time with you as possible. He just doesn’t understand anything - you can even get angry with him. Under no circumstances listen to other people’s problems, don’t delve into them and don’t empathize. There is no need to bother yourself with anything other than work.
How to learn to cope with failures
They say that if you are afraid of grief, you will not see happiness. They also say: “Expect the best and prepare for the worst.” Both of these expressions are correct. Their essence boils down to the fact that there are difficult times, troubles, and disappointments. This statement may seem obvious, but people who understand this truth are very rare. It is easy to acknowledge it verbally, but to practically apply it and live according to it is a completely different matter. In reality, many people give up at the first obstacle and go down the drain when things don't quite go according to plan. It is complete nonsense that the first step is the most difficult. The fourth, fifth and twenty-fifth steps are much more difficult, when the initial inspiration gradually fades away. There is a very simple truth: the most persistent achieve success.
However, modern culture tells us otherwise. We are constantly shown examples of perfection, success and happiness, achieved seemingly without any effort. You might think that success isn’t success if it doesn’t come overnight. But in all cases where it seems as if a person suddenly woke up successful, it turns out that he has been walking towards his success for many years. Look at the actress who is called the Queen of Hollywood. The coronation of Catherine Zeta-Jones may not have taken long, but she worked for it all her life. At the age of five she went to dance school, which means that the path to royalty took her thirty-two years!
By the age of ten, her singing and dancing had already made her a local star in Wales, and at fourteen she headed to London, where she auditioned for a role in Bugsy Malone. To rise to the top of success, she had to work hard and hard. By the way, she could have made her life much easier if she had agreed to marry Hollywood producer Jon Peters in 1992. But she refused, saying she didn't want to be just a "Hollywood wife."
The same can be said about the Queen of Pop Madonna and the Princess of Pop Kylie Minogue. To earn these titles, they worked hard throughout their lives, experiencing professional failures and personal troubles, regularly being criticized from all sides, but persistently overcoming all these obstacles. Neither of them were initially considered great talents, but whatever shortcomings they had were more than compensated for by determination and dedication, so in the end they won.
It is not necessarily the most talented who win, it is the most persistent who win. The world of show business, like any other world, is full of talented people who remain on the brink of success, because talent does not replace drive and energy. Those who reach the top are those who have the endurance and strength to rise after the inevitable falls and continue moving upward. They rise to the top on the wings of unbending purpose and determination.
Very often, success that comes too easily or too early turns out to be short-lived. Perhaps you feel that you do not deserve it, or you simply lack the experience and wisdom to cope with the success that has befallen you, and it leaves you very quickly. So stop hoping that you will achieve your goals easily and quickly. If this really happens, take it as an additional bonus, but don’t count on it too much. We want everything at once, right here and now, today, or even better, yesterday. But real life and real success are worth working for. So be prepared to work hard and don't run away from it. Be strong!
The ability to gather strength after experiencing failures or force yourself to move forward when it seems that there is no strength left is the most important factor for success in any area of life. Michelle Moy's story of determination and resilience illustrates this perfectly.
Having opened her own business in the tempting but intensely competitive industry of lingerie, Michelle quickly grew and developed her “muscles” of resilience and perseverance. In 1996, when she was twenty-four, this Glaswegian invented a revolutionary bra that took the lingerie market by storm. It was filled with silicone gel, similar to that used in breast augmentation surgery. Three years later, mass production of these bras began, and they are now sold (under the Ultimo brand) in stores all over the world. Sales have already exceeded 10 million pounds.
Michelle left school at age fifteen to go to work while caring for her paralyzed father. Their family lived in one of the poorest areas of Glasgow in a dilapidated house that did not even have a bath. While working in a brewery, she rose to the post of marketing director, and was in charge of the whole of Scotland. But then she was fired due to staff reduction, and she took advantage of this circumstance to open her own business. However, the dream came at a very high cost to her - after all, her health, marriage and even personal safety were at risk.
Expect better
Michelle may not have prepared for the worst, but she certainly expected the best. Without such optimism, it is difficult to start something new. More importantly, if you don't have it, you're more likely to give up at the fourth or fifth hurdle. After all, hard work without reward clearly doesn't fit into our definition of success. Therefore, you must feel that your persistence has a positive purpose and believe that your efforts will eventually bring results.
Michelle was fortunate to have such unwavering faith, which only strengthened when she needed it most. Belief in yourself and your abilities is manifested in the willingness to endure difficulties. This becomes noticeable at a very early age. In his book Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goldman talks about the eminent Harvard pediatrician Berry Brazelton, who developed a test that determines a child's basic psychological attitudes. He gives an eight-month-old baby two blocks and shows him how he wants him to put them together. If the child is hopeful about his future life, if he is confident in his abilities, he will take one cube, put it in his mouth, rub it on his head, and then throw it on the floor so that you can pick it up and return it to him. When you return the fallen cube to him, he exactly performs the required task - he places one cube on top of another. And then he looks at you with his clear gaze, in which expectation is clearly visible: “Tell me how great I am!”
Such children love it when others approve and encourage them; they expect to succeed in life's challenges. Those same children who suffer from the inattention of others approach this task in such a way that it becomes obvious: already at this age they do not hope for anything good. Even if they manage to complete the task, they do it with such a guilty look, as if they are saying: “I’m a weakling. You see, I can’t do anything.” Such children are likely to be pessimists in later life.
Optimism involves a strong belief that overall everything in your life will work out well, despite temporary difficulties and disappointments. It supports you in difficult times, preventing you from giving up prematurely, succumbing to helplessness, falling into depression or apathy. In his book Learned Optimism, astropsychologist Martin Seligman cites research among insurance agents that eloquently demonstrates the power of optimism in maintaining motivation and persistence. Telesales have the highest turnover rate - only a quarter of employees stay in this job for more than three years. By the beginning of the second year of the experiment, optimists outsold pessimists in sales by 57 percent. And in the first year, twice as many pessimists as optimists left the company.
August 12, 2020 at 9:52 am
Julia Gippenreiter
Associate yourself with work and take all failures personally
This point is closely intertwined with the previous one. You are your job and nothing more. Every failure at work is akin to your death or some kind of incurable disease. However, it will be difficult for you to perceive work failures as your own if you do not limit your life exclusively to work. Therefore, fulfillment of the previous point is mandatory.
I also recommend taking personally the failures of colleagues, other people’s dismissals, quarrels, the boss’s bad mood and other things that are far from you. The coronavirus crisis, by the way, is also your personal failure.
Regularly devalue your results
It doesn’t matter what you have achieved in your career, there is always someone above you, you are still “working for your uncle.” And even if you are a successful entrepreneur, remember that Zuckerberg became a dollar millionaire at the age of 22. You have not overtaken him, which means you have achieved nothing.
When you devalue every result achieved, it is much easier for you to focus on failures. Remember that you simply have no successes, only failures, mistakes and problems.
The most interesting thing is that your worthlessness at work can easily be carried over to the rest of your life. Especially if you already associate life with work.
Failures caused by self-evil eye
It's very easy to jinx yourself. It’s enough to boast about something - and that’s all, goodness knows it’s gone. It’s one thing if you tell your loved one some good news, for example, that you bought a car. And another thing is, if you tell everyone how great you are, you have a car, and not just any car, but the best one.
That is, when you boast, you think something like this: “Ha, take a bite, losers!” This is especially true for those people who achieve goals in order to wipe someone’s nose.
And then they wonder - why is everything going wrong? The self-evil eye always manifests itself on the physical level, and it can be identified by 5 signs:
- frequent mood changes;
- every little thing infuriates;
- constant fatigue, apathy;
- deterioration of attention and memory;
- exacerbation of diseases.
You need to eliminate the self-evil eye using a special technique. Lie down, relax and remember what you feel when you boast to someone. Satisfaction? Feeling of superiority?
Try to mentally form all your emotions into a tight ball. Imagine that a portal has opened in the sky above you. Launch your “ball” there and close the portal.
Repeat the exercise as often as possible, and you will see how, firstly, your life has become easier. And secondly, that failures gradually leave you.
Any magical effect is aimed at something specific. For example, to take away health, happiness, luck. There are certain signs by which you can understand that your luck was taken away from you with the help of magic:
- In a short period of time, you lost everything at once - your job, savings, friends, etc.
- Bad habits have appeared.
- Fears appeared that were not there.
- It's like a wall between you and the world.
- Whatever you do is in vain.
- You are tormented by bad dreams.
If all the points match, you have a negative attitude. It needs to be removed in three stages. First - drink water for 40 days, saying: “The damage will be washed away from me, it won’t come back, it will disappear behind seven swamps, and it will leave me. Amen".
Second phase. Place a fresh egg under your bed for 3 days. Break it down and flush it down the toilet. You need to clean yourself with an egg for 9 days.
And the third stage is the restoration of positive energy. Do something kind for 21 days.
Surround yourself with toxic people
Everyone knows at least one person for whom nothing good exists. Such people are easy to recognize by their eternal dissatisfaction: with the government, with their superiors, with colleagues, with neighbors, with their own and your results...
The most useful thing for speedy burnout is toxic colleagues. Can you imagine how cool it is to devalue your own and the team’s achievements together?
Another indicator of the desired toxicity of the team is frequent quarrels and internal corporate intrigues. Get involved in all sorts of scandals or wait to be involved in them.
Your loved ones, family and friends should be at least indifferent. They should only be interested in their own problems. If you are surrounded by people with whom you cannot share difficulties, you are on the right track. There is no point in talking about asking for help at all.
Forget about healthy sleep and nutrition, sports and fresh air
Each of these actions takes away from your job or business the two things you value most: time and attention. If the fact that time is priceless and should not be wasted on all sorts of bullshit (for example, physical and mental health) is said at every turn, then the importance of attention is discussed less. Don't focus on things like health and prolonging your life. Burn to shine! Burn to burn!
Here's the correct approach:
- “I sleep 4 hours and feel great. Well, on weekends I sleep 12 hours. The mode is for kids.”
- “A healthy, balanced diet is not for me. After all, you still need to spend time on cooking and monitor the meal schedule. Horror! I eat whatever I can, just so I don’t feel hungry and have more time to work.”
- “Listen, what sport? I don’t have time to eat or sleep here, and I still need to go to the gym. And I can’t study at home, something always gets in the way. Now I can’t say what exactly, but when I remember, I’ll definitely tell you.”
- “I don’t understand these walks of yours at all. What's the point of moving your feet if you can sit and earn money. And besides them - scoliosis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. I have enough fresh air from the window.”
Problems at work: 10 simple steps to overcome them
Good afternoon, readers of my blog. Just a few days ago I came across an interesting book, “Happiness at Work,” authored by Sreekumar Rao. I very often write about advice for aspiring businessmen, because having your own business can give you freedom, independence and pleasure in life. Somehow I didn’t think about it, but not everyone becomes an entrepreneur, many don’t like it, but some are happy with what they have, the work they do. So, in the book “Happiness at Work,” the author talks about how to enjoy what you do day after day. After all, very often the problem becomes a routine that drags on, makes life gray, work irritates and you don’t want anything. Today, based on the advice given by Sreekumar Rao, I will talk about how to solve various problems at work, how to avoid uncomfortable situations, and, ultimately, enjoy what you do.
Article on the topic: “Stop working, start your own business: motivation is not for the faint of heart!” |
No need for labels "good" or "bad"
Our problem is that we take everything that happens personally, we try to evaluate everything and give a certain characteristic. If something “bad” happens, don’t beat yourself up. Well, this happened, draw conclusions, learn this life lesson and that’s it, keep working. Remember that in any situation you need to remain calm and sober minded. Because of unnecessary emotions, fuss, and anxiety, the problem will not disappear, but will become even larger and begin to eat away at you from the inside, affecting all your work and the final result.
Extreme resilience is your main character trait.
Extreme resilience is a character trait that will allow you to recover very quickly from troubles. Many people waste precious time judging themselves, or looking for those to blame for their actions. If you become stress-resistant, you can easily recover from any shocks, return to the normal rhythm of work, and continue to fulfill your responsibilities. This character trait will help you not only in work or business, but will also be extremely important in your personal life. The author of the book “Happiness at Work” notes that if you learn not to divide events into bad and good, but take everything for granted, then you won’t have to develop extreme resilience.
Article on the topic: “Dale Carnegie: advice and quotes from the great speaker and psychologist” |
Forget about grudges
Rao believes that one of the most key aspects of overcoming problems at work is the ability to forget all grievances. Stop bringing up the past, being offended by someone, making plans for revenge and various intrigues. Let go of everything, be kinder and more tolerant. That's when you can bypass most problems and find happiness at work. How nice it is to wake up every morning with a smile, without offense, without anger, without the desire to harm someone. Change your inner world, and people's attitude towards you will also change.
No need to be jealous
When you begin to envy, somewhere on a subconscious level you agree that you are a loser, that you cannot achieve more, that there are no more opportunities in the world for your development and all that remains for you is to drag out a meager existence. Envy is a very destructive emotion. It breaks your spirit, your desire to improve, develop and reach new heights. If a person is happy, with good self-esteem, then he does not envy anyone, he knows how to be happy for a colleague, and can set a new goal for himself based on the successes of others. Many problems at work arise due to the envy of colleagues. Try to remove envy not only in relation to work, but also in all other areas of your life. Live happily, look to your future, build it yourself.
Think about work differently
The problem for many is that they perceive work as something limiting them, something that does not allow them to develop and move forward. Change your attitude towards work. Don’t try to see it as some kind of vicious circle that brings gray colors into your everyday life. Those of my friends who have not yet gone into private business do this: they see opportunities in work, opportunities to get new acquaintances, new connections, useful information that can be used in the future. Don't get tied to one place. If you work in an office now, this does not mean that in a year you will be there. Set big goals, develop, improve yourself, and you will receive new opportunities for career growth. Once you change your attitude towards work, most of the problems will disappear, and many interesting offers will appear.
Article on the topic: “What are the most important things in life?” |
More humanity
Our attitude towards colleagues, the way we see them, can create some other problems at work. You should not approach them from the position of “how useful are they for me” or “what can they do.” Very often people smile at their superiors, feeling that they will influence their career, and disrespect their subordinates, because they are inferior. This gives rise to many conflicts. Remember that we are all human and we need to help each other. Build trusting relationships, and then most problems will disappear on their own.
10 year rule
Most problems are not problems at all. Think back to yourself 10 years ago. Now try to remember what bothered you, what you were worried about, what you considered problems. When I do this, I realize that what I was most worried about was not a problem at all, just a small problem that resolved itself. What you focus on now will also look funny in 10 years. I am sure that many will regret that they lost a lot of time trying to solve some problem, but they could have done so many interesting things, developed as a person and professional, and grown in all respects.
The main thing is the process, not the result
Rao is confident that the results are not under our control, but we can increase the chance of a positive outcome if we concentrate more on the process of completing the assigned tasks. If you think only about the final goal, but completely miss the details of achieving it, then expect a disastrous result that will entail additional problems.
Article on the topic: “Stop working, start your own business: motivation is not for the faint of heart!” |
Think about other people
Many people believe that in order to succeed in a big company, you need to be merciless, go over your head and not pay attention to anyone. Only such a strategy can lift you to the top of the corporation. To be honest, I don’t agree with this and fully support Sreekumar Rao’s idea. He says that you should always think about your colleagues, if you passed someone by in the service, did it dishonestly, meanly, then think about the fact that in a couple of years this guy can achieve success and do the same to you.
No need to solve many problems at the same time
The author of the book “Happiness at Work” believes that a big problem is that we try to solve many tasks at the same time. We plan as much for one working day as would be difficult to accomplish in just a few days. In the end, we don’t have time, we get nervous, we get distracted, and this causes discomfort and problems. The advice is simple - realistically assess your strengths, do only one thing, but do it carefully, concentrating all your attention only on it. Rao advises starting with 20 minutes of work, and gradually increasing the time to 2 hours. Every 2 hours, take a short break and get back to work.
Problems at work: conclusions and my thoughts
Drawing conclusions to this article, I can say that the situation becomes problematic only from our submission. We create most of the problems ourselves, inflating a small conflict or a small incomprehensible situation. First of all, you need to change your attitude towards life, work, and the world in general. Once you understand that all problems can be solved, that it is very easy to avoid them, then life and work will become much more enjoyable.
I also recommend reading:
Sincerely, Anatomy of Business project
- Personal growth
February 15, 2014 9:01 pm
Think about alcohol, coffee and cigarettes
Lack of normal sleep and nutrition, as well as physical inactivity, will have a very effective effect on your psycho-emotional state. But what if you want to make it even worse? Cigarettes, alcohol and other substances that will harm your body will help with this.
Of course, it's more fun to burn out together. Therefore, you need to find drinking and cigarette buddies. Preferably colleagues.
Slowly but surely destroy yourself. The worse your soul is, the more cigarettes you smoke and alcohol you drink. Your burnout will progress, and you will, one way or another, increase your doses of substances for instant gratification.
Don't you dare rest
A common mistake newbies make to burnout is to take time off. Ignore it as a phenomenon. Don't book tickets in advance, don't go anywhere. You understand that in our unstable times there is no point in planning anything. Firstly, this way you won’t be able to give up vacation in favor of work (and we remember that there are force majeure and insolvent colleagues at work). And secondly, again some kind of virus - and your tickets cried.
If you suddenly want to watch a movie or TV series, read a book or play - think again! Listen to successful motivators who started from the bottom and worked 25 hours a day to get where they are today. Where are you and where are they? So decide for yourself what kind of vacation you want here.
Constantly compare your “nothing” and other people’s successes
Go to Instagram, follow your super successful friends. Preferably for those who inherited success by right of birth. Every day, every minute (of course, when you are not busy with work) compare yourself with them. Look at their car, then at yours. Look at their apartment, and then at yours. Do you have an unpleasant feeling? Keep going, you are great.
In general, compare yourself, your life, your significant other, material wealth and personal qualities more often with the lives and achievements of other people. Friends and enemies, partners and competitors, former and future - the main thing is that they are more successful than you.
Of course, you don't know what they went through or what their starting conditions were. Surely they just worked harder and better. By the way, you haven’t worked for a long time.
Ignore everyday problems
It is advisable that you have a whole range of long-unsolved everyday problems. Dirty dishes, unwashed clothes, uncooked food, unwashed floors, unkempt children or pets - the more the merrier.
From unresolved problems, you will not only feel that same sword of Damocles over your neck, but also constant dissatisfaction with life. If a problem can be dealt with in 10–30 minutes, put off solving it as long as possible - the stronger the effect will be.
If there is chaos at home, it will be in your head and at work. There are no better conditions for burnout.
Safety measures during the ritual
When working with both black and white magic, you should adhere to the following rules when performing conspiracies:
- You cannot read texts whose meaning is not completely clear to the performer.
- You need to use only proven conspiracies, the authors of which are experienced magicians. Consultation is currently available online.
- You should not read texts in a foreign language without knowing their literal translation.
- Light rituals, which include conspiracies against troubles at work, are carried out during the daytime.
- Spells that require a certain fee should not be cast at home.
Each time you read a text, you should completely clear your thoughts and pay full attention to the meaning of the words. Any unnecessary phrase or action can lead to irreversible consequences.
Know that you are alone, only you have such problems, no one can help
So, you already hate your job and life in general, you don’t want to wake up in the morning, and when you wake up, you can’t get up? Great, you're burned out. How can I make the situation even worse?
First of all, there is no problem. Admitting the presence of burnout is admitting your own weakness. You are not an ordinary person to experience weakness and negative emotions, sometimes rest and recover.
Secondly, keep to yourself. If you suddenly feel like talking about your problems, don't do it. Don’t even tell your loved ones, they still won’t understand. You definitely shouldn’t discuss problems with your manager. He will think that you have always performed so poorly, and not that you are burnt out or tired.
If you are a leader, then you are under the gun, everyone is looking at you. You are a leader! You must be smarter and stronger than everyone else - 24 hours a day, every day of the week. No concessions for yourself or others!
Examples of conspiracies for conflicts and problems at work
Both women and representatives of the stronger sex can turn to magic. A spell that eliminates problems in the workplace can be done at home. Every person spends most of his time outside the home, earning money, so it is important to improve this area of life, even if you have to turn to magical powers.
This is interesting! A husband or wife can also make a conspiracy for the misfortune of an absent person in order to solve his problems with his superiors or colleagues.
From troubles at work
To get rid of problems, before going to work you need to say the following text every day:
Reading this text will help you get rid of troubles at work.
In order for the prayer to have a more powerful effect, it must be said while looking at the fire of a lit candle.
Do not seek help from psychologists
“Psychologists are only for psychos! They won't help me in any way. You also need to open up to someone you don’t know well. What if he laughs at me? He won’t humiliate you to your face - so in the evening he will discuss all the details with friends. What if someone finds out that I am going to a psychologist? Ashamed".
Of course it's a shame. Thinking sadly, being as ineffective as possible, “delighting” not only yourself but also those around you with your sour expression in the morning - this is the choice of a real successful “burnout.” And there depression can develop - it will give you an aura of mystery and unusualness.
And have you seen the cost of seeing a psychologist? It is much more correct to invest not in your psycho-emotional state and health, but in a new iPhone, car or other material trinkets.
By the way, a good psychologist could quite quickly negate all the achieved results on burnout. And that’s not your goal, right? Do you even have a goal? See point 1.
Karmic failures
The reasons for failure may lie in one of your past lives. Perhaps you did something terrible, lived an unrighteous life, etc. But it may also be that you had to pay for the sins of your ancestors.
And it is not necessary that they behaved inappropriately in a past life. Let's say a grandmother or father cursed someone, was jealous, humiliated, or maybe stole something. We'll look at what to do about it below. First, let's define the signs of a karmic predisposition to failure.
- You and your family members have similar problems. For example, all relatives suffered from the same diseases.
- When someone close to you has minor troubles, you experience a whole bunch of negative emotions - anger, melancholy, hatred, etc.
- The harder you try to overcome bad luck, the worse it gets. For example, let's say you work three jobs to pay off debt. But this is of no use.
- You are unable to accept help. In the sense that if someone volunteers to help you (no matter what), everything turns out badly.
- You have a feeling that no one is to blame for your failures.
- Your thoughts are focused on failures
If three or more signs coincide, it means that the cause of bad luck lies in karmic debt.
As a rule, during the person's lifetime it is given automatically, as if a monthly payment was deducted from you. But you can pay off karmic debts faster if you visit the graves of all your ancestors, clean them up and ask the Higher Powers for forgiveness for all the sins that you and your relatives have committed.
After this, you need to clean up the abandoned graves that are located nearby. This is how you perform a righteous act that cleanses all energetic dirt. And the more often you practice this, the faster you will forget about total bad luck.
Conclusions without irony
Remember that you are human. Treat yourself and those around you with understanding: not only you, but also your loved ones, subordinates or boss can burn out at work. Support the person in this state. If things get worse, send him to a specialist. Any burnout can develop into depression if it is not dealt with in time.
I found myself periodically close to burnout and then on the rise again. These conditions can be controlled if you are aware of what is happening and understand their cyclical nature. It's normal, everyone burns out.
And remember that the first step to solving any problem is to admit that it exists. Good luck!
How to make a powerful protective amulet yourself
In addition to magical texts, enchanted objects have a powerful effect on fate. Conspiracies against troubles at work should be read over such an amulet, and then it will become a powerful protection against difficulties, the actions of ill-wishers, and the machinations of evil people. It is especially important to wear magical objects for those involved in activities in which dangerous injuries can occur.
Important! You can speak to any amulet you like. Powerful prayer gives it magical properties.
The ceremony takes place at the gates of the church. The object is taken in the left hand and the following text is pronounced:
Using this text you can spell the amulet
The magic amulet should always be worn around the neck. Parting with him is only allowed on weekends.