In dreams and in reality. 8 ways to cope with insomnia

Sleep is rightfully considered the most important part of human life - during a night's rest, our psycho-emotional and physical state is restored, and the brain processes and assimilates the information received during the day.

Insomnia (insomnia) is recognized as a medical disease, but it is almost impossible to overcome it with the help of medications - all sleeping pills are addictive .

Therefore, if you enter into a search engine the query “bad sleep at night in an adult, what to do with folk remedies,” you are on the right track - only alternative medicine can effectively cure insomnia.

Causes of sleep problems

Insomnia (insomnia) is expressed in the fact that a person cannot fall asleep for hours or his sleep turns into a nightmare, accompanied by constant awakenings. As a result, ability to work and mental activity decrease, problems with concentration appear, irritability and other psychological abnormalities arise. Chronic insomnia leads to the appearance of various diseases.

To understand how to deal with insomnia, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. Most often it is associated with the following circumstances:

  1. Frequent and prolonged psychological overload, stress, and feelings of anxiety often become the culprits of sleep disorders. These circumstances create an overly busy work schedule, everyday difficulties, and a high level of responsibility.
  2. Irregular and uneven daily routine. Shifting the time of sleep and wakefulness, periodic shortened sleep duration can lead to problems.
  3. Unbalanced diet, late meals. You can add alcohol and strong coffee to this.
  4. Lack of physical activity that disrupts human biorhythms.
  5. Painful sensations, injuries.
  6. Poor sleeping conditions: noise, snoring, stuffiness or cold, stale air.

These reasons often disturb sleep, but such insomnia can be effectively combated without medications. If the causes are related to various diseases, then you need to consult a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to fight not with the symptom, but with the disease itself.

Goat's milk will relieve insomnia

It is known that the adult body does not digest milk very well. But if we are talking about goat milk, then it can often be very useful for those prone to insomnia. It is known that 1-2 glasses of goat milk before bed can relieve symptoms of even advanced insomnia. And this is due not only to the fact that there are many useful microelements that normalize the functioning of the nervous system. The fact is that goat's milk, unlike cow's milk, is easily digested and perfectly absorbed. But lovers of goat milk should remember that the beneficial properties of this product are manifested only if the milk is raw and fresh. Pasteurized milk loses most of its medicinal microelements and vitamins. If your body tolerates dairy products, then you can use fresh cow's milk. Modern research shows that the most sleep-inducing milk is night milk, which was obtained from cows before dawn. This milk contains more of the hormone melatonin, which has a healing effect for insomnia. In addition to this hormone, any dairy product contains calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Therefore, if you are prone to insomnia, it is important to ensure that calcium enters the body regularly and is absorbed normally. If you do not accept milk, then it is useful to use kefir or unsweetened yogurt. It would be good if bifidobacteria were additionally added to these products. With this you will kill two birds with one stone - have a snack and saturate your blood with calming substances, and also provide invaluable assistance to your intestines in its fight against pathogenic bacteria. It is known that with a clean, normally functioning gastrointestinal tract, a person falls asleep better and gets enough sleep with greater efficiency.

Creating the necessary conditions to eliminate insomnia

In order for an adult to quickly fall asleep at night without medications, it is necessary to take the first step - to create conditions favorable for this. These include:

  1. Light. A person needs natural darkness to sleep, and therefore any sources of light and glow (TV, cell phones, backlit watches, etc.) should be eliminated. For most people, light disrupts the production of the sleep hormone (melatonin). If a person has a fear of the dark, then night lights with dim light are installed.
  2. Silence. Most people require complete silence, but some people are used to sleeping with music. These circumstances should be taken into account. In any case, for a good sleep you need isolation from noise (from another room or from the street).
  3. Indoor microclimate. For night sleep you need comfortable conditions: temperature - 18-22 degrees, normal humidity, fresh air. The bedroom must be regularly ventilated.
  4. Strong odors. It is difficult to sleep in the presence of unpleasant odors and aromas coming from the kitchen. Soft and delicate aromas of flowers, plants and special flavors promote sleep.

It is also important to consider the condition of the bed. For good sleep, the bed should be comfortable and comfortable.

Normalizing your daily routine for quality sleep

To fall asleep if you have insomnia, you need to adjust your daily routine. It is necessary to maintain a clear schedule for getting up and going to bed. It must be observed daily. You need to go to bed at the same time, but also get up according to the schedule, even when you have the opportunity to still sleep.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Mikhail Yurievich

Practicing neurologist with more than 7 years of experience.

It should be remembered that daytime sleep cannot fully compensate for night rest; moreover, it disrupts the daily biorhythm. Without damage, you can sleep during the day for 20-30 minutes. Longer daytime rest causes insomnia in the evening.

The daily routine must include periods of physical activity. This could be sports, physical activity and exercise, swimming or just walking in the fresh air. In the morning you should do exercises. Evening classes won't hurt, but they should stop 4 hours before bedtime.

General advice for those with insomnia

To get rid of insomnia and restore normal sleep, folk remedies alone will, of course, not be enough - to ensure that your pleasure from a night's rest is as maximum as possible, learn to follow some rules:

  1. There is no need to go to bed and try to fall asleep if you don’t want to sleep at all - it’s better to read a book, watch a light movie, listen to relaxing music .
  2. Don't eat before bed - eating heavy food late in the morning will deprive you of all the benefits of a healthy night's rest, you'll sleep restlessly and not soundly, and unnecessary calories will also have a bad effect on your figure.
  3. You should not go to bed if you are in an irritated state - be sure to find some way to relax that is accessible to you: water treatments, light self-massage, meditative practices.
  4. Create comfortable conditions in the bedroom : do not forget to ventilate the room, remove all sources of extraneous sounds, buy a humidifier, and never use night lights - complete darkness is necessary for deep sleep.
  5. Try to go to bed at the same time every evening - it’s better to go to bed early, around 10-11, your body will get used to it and it will be easier for you to fall asleep.
  6. Get rid of the habit of sleeping during the day - even if you feel very sleepy, try to cheer yourself up somehow, otherwise you not only risk insomnia, but a headache will become your constant companion.
  7. One of the most pleasant ways to combat shallow sleep is aromatherapy . Particular attention should be paid to lavender, juniper and sandalwood oils - they can be rubbed into your temples before bed or dripped into a special aroma lamp.
  8. Learn to cope with your anxiety states - outline the boundaries of your own fears, stop being afraid of imaginary situations, and if necessary, work with a psychologist.
  9. Before going to bed, give yourself a scalp massage - stroke the skin of the top of your head with smooth rake-like movements and lightly rub your temples.
  10. Buy bed linen only from natural fabrics and give preference to dark shades - they soothe and set the mood for relaxation.
  11. Don’t forget about physical activity - if you can’t go to the gym, do light exercises in the morning, and take walks in the fresh air in the evening.

Every time you go to bed in the evening, try to forget about all your unresolved problems and think about something pleasant - do not rush to take potent drugs, a person is always stronger than circumstances.

Opt for traditional medicine - home remedies will not only improve your restless sleep, but also strengthen the immune system of the entire body as a whole.

Follow the simplest recommendations - relax more, walk in the fresh air, use all the methods of evening relaxation available to you. A healthy night's sleep will be restored, and with it a good mood and desire to enjoy life will return.

Diet and quality of nutrition in the fight against insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia at night, proper nutrition will help. You should eat right throughout the day, but the quality of your sleep is significantly affected by your evening meal. An excessively large dinner will force the stomach to process food for a long time, and it will be extremely difficult to sleep.

2 hours before bedtime you should avoid eating and tonic drinks. Strong coffee and tea, alcohol are allowed no later than 4-5 hours before lights out.

To solve the question of how to quickly fall asleep with insomnia, you need to stop eating protein foods, chocolate, flour products, coffee and alcohol before bed. 1 hour before lights out you can consume kefir, fermented baked milk, warm milk with honey, apple, banana, beets. To combat insomnia, milk is useful, which contains tryptophan, which normalizes sleep and eliminates anxiety.

Insomnia treatment at home. How to treat insomnia with medications

Treatment for prolonged insomnia should be prescribed by a doctor after a complete examination of the patient and finding out the true causes of his problem.
In some cases, insomnia is only a symptom of another, much more serious disease. When looking for what to drink for insomnia, you need to remember: any drug (no matter how widely advertised it may be) can only be taken as prescribed by your doctor. Especially it concerns:

  • antidepressants (Doxepin, etc.);
  • barbiturates (Phenobarbital, Hexobarbital);
  • imidazopyridines (Zolpidem);
  • tranquilizers of the benzodiazepine group (Phenazepam, Triazolam, etc.);
  • cyclopyrrolones (Somnol, others).

Such medications have a very serious effect on the brain, often making changes to hormonal and other systems. They have a lot of side effects. In addition, the listed medications are addictive and are therefore sold only with a prescription.

Drugs from the above list are not always prescribed. Often it is quite enough to take more gentle over-the-counter sleeping pills, which are made from medicinal herbs. Before you find out what to take at night for insomnia, you need to get acquainted with the main rules for taking them.

How to properly administer medication

Regardless of what the doctor prescribed, sleeping pills:

  • cannot be mixed with alcohol;
  • only in rare cases can it be combined with other medications;
  • should not be taken by children or pregnant women;
  • It is strictly forbidden to drink for more than 3 weeks.

Almost all medications that help get rid of insomnia have an inhibitory effect on the nervous system. The next day after taking a sleeping pill, drowsiness is observed and the reaction slows down. During the period of drug treatment for insomnia, you should not drive a car or operate machinery that requires high concentration.

How to talk yourself into sleep

In addition to the above preventive measures, there are ways to quickly fall asleep with insomnia, based on the principles of distraction:

  1. Hypnotists' trick. A person needs to be distracted from his disturbing thoughts, and a pendulum is suitable for this. You can use a round watch on a long chain or a hanging ball. The vibrations of an object involuntarily attract attention and distract from bad thoughts. The person gradually switches off and sleep sets in.
  2. Check. This is an old and sometimes effective technique. A person mentally counts to some large number (for example, 1000).
  3. Imagination of a familiar object. For example, you can mentally imagine a historical building you like. We must try to focus all our attention on looking at small details, counting windows, etc.
  4. Pleasant memories or dreams. To overcome insomnia, you need to remember something very good and completely surrender to these positive impressions. In your dreams, you can fly to any city and mentally walk along its streets. It is important to distract yourself from unnecessary thoughts.
  5. Closed eyes. When the eyeballs are moved under closed eyelids, this position is characteristic of the deep phase of sleep. If you create it artificially, it will help you fall asleep faster.
  6. Relaxation. You need to lie on your back and try to relax all parts of your body. This applies to the arms and legs to the very tips of the fingers, as well as the muscles of the face (cheekbones, forehead, chin) and eyes.

To increase efficiency, you need to eliminate all distractions or irritants, lie down in bed, close your eyes and completely relax.

What position do you fall asleep in?

On the side On the back

What will help overcome insomnia

You can solve the question of how to get rid of insomnia without medications in the following ways:

  1. Take a warm shower or bath about 1 hour before going to bed. This event helps you relax and find peace.
  2. Music. A calm, slow melody, without changes in volume and sound strength, helps you find peace and disconnect from bad thoughts. Natural sounds have the same effect on sleep - birds singing, the murmur of a stream, the howling of a snowstorm, the rustling of leaves, etc.
  3. Meditation. With the help of special exercises, you can relax your muscles and find emotional balance. Before starting meditation, ventilate the room and turn on appropriate music. There are different options. You can use mindfulness meditation. It is carried out in a sitting, relaxed state. Ensures slow and deep breathing. The head should be occupied with mental contemplation of some natural attraction. Breathing meditation for sleep is done in the lotus or half-lotus position. You need to breathe deeply and measuredly. Calmness should come in 10-15 minutes, and sleep in 20-25 minutes.
  4. Yoga. There are special asanas against insomnia: Sukhasana, Uttanasana, Balasana, Halasana, Savasana.
  5. Aromatherapy. This technique relieves psychological stress and stress. For this purpose, air flavors and aromatic baths are used. Lavender, chamomile and neroli oils cope well with this task. Sage and bergamot oil relieve depression. Rose oil can eliminate nightmares. If you feel lonely, it is better to use mint or laurel oil.

Pay special attention to the pillow. If a person is used to sleeping on his back or stomach, then it should be low, and if he wants to sleep on his side, it should be high. The optimal fabric option is cotton or silk. The pillow is filled with swan's down, field herbs, and sheep's wool. For a good sleep, the pillow must have elasticity.

Causes of insomnia

There are many of them and they have different roots. Most often, the disorder can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Psycho-emotional disorders - mental pathologies, unresolved situations, neuroses, stress and anxiety, depressive disorders.
  2. Chronic fatigue - mental and physical.
  3. Disturbances in the cardiovascular and nervous systems (neuroinfections, concussions) and other concomitant diseases.

Other reasons include:

  • disruption of natural biorhythms - caused by working at unnatural hours for a person (alternating work schedule, when the work process occurs both at night and during the day - alternately);
  • Uncomfortable conditions during night sleep - uncomfortable bedding (bed, mattress, pillow, linen), stuffy room, noise, strong and unpleasant odor, etc.;
  • incorrect diet - rich, fatty foods and drinking energy drinks shortly before a night's rest;
  • side effect of drug therapy used for other concomitant diseases.

An obsession with insomnia can also develop into a problem of a psychological nature and manifest itself as a fear of not being able to sleep. Therefore, at the moment of falling asleep, it is better not to think about it and completely relax.

Calming drinks to normalize sleep

Folk remedies in the form of soothing drinks cope well with the role of a sleeping pill. A popular option for insomnia is a glass of warm milk before bed. Yogurt can induce sleep 45-50 minutes after consumption. Freshly squeezed cherry juice helps a lot. You can use a banana smoothie. It is prepared from a medium-sized banana, almond paste (1 tbsp) and milk (100 ml).

Herbal teas provide effective assistance in the fight against insomnia. They can be infused with the following herbs: lavender, chamomile, fireweed, motherwort, lemon balm, St. John's wort, thyme. Walnuts and almonds are useful for normalizing sleep. One of the most ancient folk remedies is honey. Before going to bed, it is enough to eat 1 tbsp. l. this product.

Traditional medicine is the best remedy for poor sleep

Home remedies for treating insomnia are simple and varied - they help restore peace of mind without much expense or hassle.

Benefits of using natural remedies:

  1. They have a milder effect - they are non-toxic and, unlike antidepressants, do not have a suppressive effect on the nervous system.
  2. They are not addictive - it is impossible to “get hooked” on them, like on a drug, which usually occurs as a result of prolonged use of sleeping pills.
  3. Have fewer side effects.
  4. They have practically no contraindications - after a short consultation with a doctor, everyone can take them.
  5. Folk remedies can be used in parallel with any other medications - they enhance and reinforce the therapeutic effect.
  6. A skillfully selected herbal mixture treats not only insomnia, but also other related diseases.
  7. Every woman knows that taking sedative medications during pregnancy is strictly not recommended - insomnia, which is caused by hormonal changes, is best dealt with with the help of natural medicines.

Folk remedies for insomnia that everyone should know

  1. Chamomile tea . This is the most famous and simple method of dealing with stress - it calms the nervous system and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. The tea is brewed in the traditional way, but if desired, you can add honey, cinnamon and warm milk.
  2. Milk with honey . You need to dissolve one spoon of honey in a glass of warm milk - this pleasant and mild-tasting drink is taken immediately before bed.
  3. Herbal bag . You need to sew a small bag from cotton or flannelette fabric and fill it with a variety of medicinal herbs that improve the quality of sleep - oregano, valerian, lavender, St. John's wort or other plants that are at hand that exude a pleasant aroma (fresh hop cones are perfect for these purposes). The bag should be kept at the head of the head or under the pillow, then the smell of meadow herbs will help you forget about all stress and set your body up for a sound sleep.
  4. Baths with medicinal herbs . Any water procedures perfectly help to cope with insomnia, and at home before bed you can take relaxing baths - all kinds of medicinal decoctions are added to them. It is best to brew linden and valerian - the herbal solution is brought to a boil, cooled and strained, poured into the bath. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, and swimming itself usually lasts no more than 30 minutes. Carry out the procedure 2-3 hours before going to bed and always make sure that the water does not cover your chest in the heart area, otherwise blood circulation may, on the contrary, worsen.

The most effective remedies for insomnia

  1. Apple vinegar . This composition not only relieves insomnia, it helps remove toxic substances from the body. Mix 3 tsp in a glass of warm water. apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. honey, let the drink brew and take it right before bed.
  2. Anti-stress drink . To prepare this remedy, you will need a ripe banana, a tablespoon of ground nuts, half a glass of milk and 20 g of sprouted wheat grains - all ingredients must be mixed, whisked thoroughly and drunk in small sips an hour before bedtime.
  3. Dill seed tincture . It is prepared on the basis of Cahors - you will need half a liter of church wine. Add 60 g of dill seeds to “Kagor” and cook for 15 minutes over low heat, after which the mixture should sit for at least an hour. Take 30–40 g of the tincture before bed; on average, treatment lasts about 2 weeks. Important! You can take tinctures prepared with alcohol for no more than three weeks, and if you need to continue treatment, use a drug that does not contain alcohol.
  4. Carrot-grapefruit juice . For two medium carrots you will need one grapefruit - the drink is prepared using a juicer, and you need to take it 3 times a day after meals, 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  5. Lemon juice with honey . For a glass of lemon juice, take a tbsp. a spoonful of honey (preferably buckwheat) and a small handful of walnuts, which must first be chopped. The juice and honey are mixed until smooth, the nut is added later, the medicine is infused for 5 days, and 1 tbsp is drunk. spoon before bed.
  6. Oregano decoction . 3 teaspoons of herb are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for 30–40 minutes - drink the medicine 1/3 cup 4 times a day half an hour before meals and always warm.
  7. Bran with honey . Soften 180 g of bran with ½ glass of water, and then add 100 g of liquid honey - the course of treatment lasts a month, take 3 tbsp. spoons before bed.
  8. Sleep herb tincture . This folk remedy, in addition to being a sedative, also has an analgesic effect. 15 fresh buds of the plant must be crushed and poured with ½ liter of vodka, then leave the mixture in a dark place for 12 days. Take the medicine one tablespoon at a time. spoon an hour before bedtime. If necessary, the dose can be increased, but not too sharply - sleep-herb in large quantities has a negative effect on sexual activity.
  9. Onion salad . Both onions and green onions have a calming and sleep-inducing effect - plan your dinner properly and don’t forget to add more of this miraculous vegetable to your salad.
  10. If you can say about your problem: “I have poor sleep, I often wake up at night,” this means that you are not sleeping deeply enough, your body cannot relax to the required state. In this case, an infusion of valerian is best suited - this plant is considered the most effective in the fight against insomnia. A tablespoon of crushed valerian root is poured into a glass of cold boiled water - the mixture is infused for 8-10 hours, and the strained tincture should be taken a teaspoon in the morning and evening.
  11. For those who have not yet decided how to get rid of bad sleep, you can try preparing pumpkin decoction . It will require 300 g of pumpkin, which will need to be chopped and boiled (no more than 5 minutes) in a liter of water. The broth is infused for only 20 minutes - you need to strain it and drink half a glass before going to bed. If desired, the drink can be sweetened with honey - this remedy is perfect for children, they really like its pleasant taste.


You can fight insomnia, even chronic, without medications. First of all, it is necessary to ensure normal conditions in the bedroom, strictly adhere to the daily routine and ensure proper nutrition. Particular attention is paid to eating in the evening.

You can overcome insomnia by persuading yourself to fall asleep. To do this, different methods are used to distract from bad thoughts. It is important to ensure peace and relaxation.

To combat insomnia, there are ways to relieve psychological tension and stress. In this case, warm baths, meditation, and yoga exercises are used. You should not rush to the pharmacy when insomnia appears; you should first try to fight it on your own.


InsomniaCauses of psychosomatic insomnia and ways to solve the problem

How to fall asleep if you have insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia, first of all, you need to normalize your daily routine (waking up every day, going to bed at the same time). You should avoid strong green tea and coffee before bedtime. If you have problems falling asleep, cancel your day's rest.

It is important to create a favorable, relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom. You should start with a comfortable bed and bedding - the mattress should be sufficiently hard, the pillow should not be hard or too soft, the bed linen should be made of natural materials, pleasant to the body. The bedroom must be ventilated before resting at night. Before going to bed, you can take a relaxing bath with herbs and oils, read your favorite book, listen to soothing music.

Another way to relax and cope with sleep disturbances is gymnastics and massage. You can start with light circular movements in the temples, forehead, and neck. This exercise will help you cope with insomnia and tighten your facial muscles.

Breathing exercises fight insomnia, relieve tension, mental fatigue, help get rid of negative emotions, and reduce the risk of developing diseases of the respiratory system and cardiovascular system. To carry out the exercises, you need to sit down and straighten your back, do deep breathing movements for 5 minutes. Take each breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Visual gymnastics that will help cope with insomnia, relieve tension from the eyes and facial muscles. You need to close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, then close your jaw tightly. After 10 seconds, relax. Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times. Gymnastics can be done in a sitting or lying position.

A short walk before bed in the fresh air will help you fall asleep quickly, which will help you relax and saturate your body with oxygen. 5 hours before bedtime, you can go for a run, ride a bike, dance, or do other sports. This will help cope with psycho-emotional stress and get a charge of positive emotions.

At night before going to bed, you can do light exercises while lying in bed to prime your body for quality rest. Starting position: lying on your back with your arms straight along your body. Clench your palms into a fist, raise your legs as bent as possible towards the abdominal muscles. Hold for 10 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 4 to 7 times.

For the next exercise, you need to lie on your side and raise your straight arm up. Hold the limb until tired. Lower your hand. Raise your leg for 2-3 minutes. Repeat, turning over to the other side.

If you do not sleep soundly, you can do a light massage of the temporal, frontal, cervical-collar area, and back. Light stroking movements in combination with aromatic oils will help you cope with nervous tension, relax well, relieve fatigue, and set yourself up for a long and quality rest.

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